Category Archives: Videos

Is Sarah Palin sinning b/c she’s running for VP?

I would love to hear your thoughts on this issue. Please leave your comments below.

But for starters, watch this ABC video broadcast where reporters came to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky and interviewed students about their views on Palin as VP and women in the pastorate.

I personally do not believe that there is a problem with Sarah Palin running for VP. There’s a fundamental difference between the role of government and the role of the church. The government, as it exists today, is a function of the old creation order of sin and judgment on sin (Romans 13). The church is the government of the new creation order, which consists of life, redemption, and renewal (Romans 8). As we participate in these two spheres which exist in the overlap of the ages (the already and not yet), we must remember that they are distinct from one another and never to be confused. In the new creation, or regeneration, God is calling His people, the church, to once again fulfill the created order and the rolls for man and woman in the worship and glory of God. Given this reality, the church has a higher calling to be a witness in the world to the way Christ and his bride, the church, function together in union and communion. Simply put, the government is not the church and the church is not the government.

What are you thoughts? Leave them below in the comments section.

Sarah Palin won the debate

I cannot express how happy I was to see all the political pundants thrawrted in their predictions/fears about how much trouble Sarah Palin might have tonight in the Vice Presidential debate with Joe Biden. They were WRONG in so many ways!  🙂

I must say, it was brilliant on her part to tell Biden that he kept pointing to the past about the Bush campaign. It really is that simple, you cannot compare Bush with McCain in a way that can actually make someone say that it’s going to be four more years of the same. It just won’t happen and everyone knows it because of McCain’s record and his Vice Presidential pick for nomination. It’s a whole new ball game and the other side just won’t admit it. But I digress…

Palin did her job well tonight, and for the most part Joe Biden did well too. The only problem with Biden is that he just kept up the whole liberal mindset that harps on redistribution of wealth, fairness, man-made global warming, and universal health care. This is junk! Pure JUNK! And it really does stink. The liberal idealogy of the Democratic party is a terribly unfair system and it would have us all under it’s thumb if we, as a nation, decide to let it happen this November. Be care who you pick for President this Nobember, it could mean the beginning of the end of all your freedoms. That is something that I, and most of the people I know, would never want to happen.

Here are some resources and comments on the debate tonight from others:

Here is a link to the debate transcript. And below you will find a video of the debate on youtube:

Was Jesus Resurrected or Rescued?

This was the formal Muslim-Christian Debate held at UC Davis on November 30, 2006. Ali Ataie and Michael Licona debate whether Jesus Christ was resurrected or rescued.

NOTE: This youtube player is setup with a playlist for all 14 parts of the debate. The playlist will pop up whenever a video finishes or whenever you move you mouse across the bottom of the video area. You can select what ever part of the debate you want to watch with this playlist feature. Enjoy!

Building Demolition and it’s Theological Imagery

As a full time Structural Engineer, I get to design buildings every day. But given this demolition video of an existing building in Japan, I cannot help but post about this awesome new technique! 🙂

Theological Analysis:

God is de-constructing the old, sinful world through the preaching of the Gospel and the redemption of all the nations, by means of His Church empowered by His Spirit. The only insufficiency of the video is that demolition is not all that is occurring. God is building a new world in Jesus Christ and all who take part in this new world, here and now, will one day inherit a consummated new world where Heaven and Earth are finally one (seen in Revelations 21 when Heaven (the new city Jerusalem) comes down to the Earth causing John to say, in verse 1, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” ESV). So, this type of demolition (in the video above) helps us to see the slow and progressive work of God in de-constructing the old world through the preaching of the Gospel and the work of His Church. The Church, empowered by God’s Spirit, is like the construction company doing the demo work in the video, gradually and surely taking out all the foundations and supports of the old world in anticipation of the new world that Jesus is preparing for all who love Him and trust Him! That is why Paul said, “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” (ESV, 2 Cor. 10:3-5)