Category Archives: Culture

Abortion And The New Government

Thanks to James Grant for informing me of this:

A coalition of pro-choice organizations has sent Barack Obama and his transition team a document titled “Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a New Administration,” which has been posted on the president-elect’s website.

The document “urge[s] the next President to articulate and implement a vision for a new, commonsense approach to the nation’s and the world’s pressing reproductive health needs,” and outlines the actions they would like to see him take toward that end — including improving access to abortion worldwide, increasing funding for comprehensive sex education and defunding abstinence-only programs, pushing for the Freedom of Choice Act, and appointing pro-choice judges and government officials.

The Obama website is accepting comments on this document. Click here to read it and to give your opinion.

I’ve posted my own comment on the debate site (Look for a comment from Glenn). Please go to the web site above and give your opinion on this matter. Here is what I said:

I hope that the president-elect will be sensible in his dealings with these things. When the majority of people in the country believe that abortion is wrong, even calling it murder, this is not a time to judge that a baby is merely part of a woman’s body. How can the government have the right to allow or even force medical institutions to murder unborn children? That is the question that so many people are asking. But the common rhetoric is, “well it’s her body,” but if it is her body, then why doesn’t the woman die when an abortion is performed??? Is it because she’s cutting off part of her body? Or because she’s ending the life of someone’s body, who happens to be living inside of her’s? The language of pro-choice and pro-abortion organizations is rhetoric at best and deceptively murderous at worst. Please, president-elect Obama, do not pass the Freedom of Choice Act and do not add to the funding of pro-choice groups by giving them my tax payer money or anyone else’s taxpayer money. It is not right and it is not something that the government should be doing.

David Wood on Islam’s Call to Obama: 2nd Step is Violence

From David Wood:

Most people don’t understand what’s going on in this video. It just seems like a Muslim shouting harsh words at our future President. But there’s much more to this video. Muslims are told to invite people to Islam. If people reject the invitation, Muslims are commanded to fight and kill them (unless they agree to pay the Jizya with the proper amount of humiliation and disgrace). This video, then, is an announcement of Step One–the invitation. When the invitation is refused, Muslims are called to violence.

Culture News: ‘Gay’ bishop in private meetings with Obama

Barack Obama asked gay bishop Gene
Robinson what it was like to be ‘first’

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent
Times Online, November 6, 2008


Barack Obama sought out controversial gay bishop Gene Robinson not just once but three times during his campaign to become President of the United States, The Times can reveal.

Bishop Robinson, the 80-million strong Anglican Communion’s only openly gay bishop whose consecration in 2003 has left the Anglican Communion on the brink of schism, was sought out

by Mr Obama to discuss what it feels like to be “first”.

Bishop Robinson, who received death threats after his election as Bishop of New Hampshire and was advised by police to wear a bullet-proof vest at his consecration, also discussed with Mr Obama the risks incumbent upon being a high-profile leader in a country such as the US.

Bishop Robinson said: “At the end of the day you have to decide whether or not you are going to be paralyzed by threats and by violent possibilities or whether you just move on and do what you feel called to do despite the risks. [Continue…]

Barack Obama – “Redistribution of Wealth”

Change? Can I get a, “yes we can”???

Ugh… One things for sure… I don’t want this change, even though I know it’s going to try to be implemented soon. It is truly a sad day when a man like this has been elected President of the US and people barely even heard about this audio before the election day. Well, the people wanted a king… so God gave them one.

Welcome to The Neo-American Union

Hitchens vs. Wilson: A Collision of Lives – Part II

This post stands as a compilation of the recent debate and commentary on the debate that has been posted by Doug Wilson, Nate Wilson and Christianity Today. Below I have also included links to one of my fellow Bloggers who wrote some good commentary about Presuppositional Apologetics last year during the Christianity Today debate between Wilson and Hitchens.

Here is an interview of Wilson and Hitches on the Debate/Book tour:

by Doug Wilson

  1. Common Ground
  2. The Helichopper Was Fun
  3. No Moderator, and We Both Behaved
  4. Teaser Trailer

by Nate Wilson

Christianity Today Debate – 2007

  1. “Is Christianity Good for the World?” Part I
  2. “Is Christianity Good for the World?” Part II
  3. “Is Christianity Good for the World?” Part III
  4. “Is Christianity Good for the World?” Part IV
  5. “Is Christianity Good for the World?” Part V
  6. “Is Christianity Good for the World?” Part VI

Commentary on the Debate – by James Grant

Here is that awesome video preview of the documentary again:

Here is a link to the published book of the debate hosted by Christianity Today in 2007. You can support out ministry by purchasing this book and others through our book store.

Ten Things to Keep in Mind After the Election

Here are some helpful thoughts from Doug Wilson about how Christians should respond to the election of Barack Obama.

1. God is still Father, Christ is still at His right hand, and the Holy Spirit is still abroad in the world, recreating that world according to the image of Christ. When the nations conspire against Him, He laughs at them.

2. The most important thing we can do for our nation, and for the world around us, is to gather for worship every Lord’s Day. The privilege of voting in presidential elections comes to us every four years, while we are graced with the opportunity to take the Lord’s Supper week to week. Right worship reforms the Church, and is therefore God’s central instrument for remaking the world. For this reason, we must insist on worship that is in accordance with Scripture. Judgment begins with the household of God. Our generation is fatherless. In the power of the Spirit, in the name of the Son, we must therefore worship the Father.

3. The first and greatest command is to love God, and the second is to love our neighbor. When the question arises, as it will, as to who is our neighbor, a good policy is to always begin with the smallest, the least, the most defenseless. Never apologize for a crawl-over-broken-glass pro-life stance. Live in such a life-affirming way as to expect apologies from those who would redefine the lives of others (always the lives of others, isn’t it?) into expendible insignificance.

4. Honor women. Honor your mother, your wife, and your daughters. We live in a culture that despises women, and which has engineered a vast machinery of propaganda designed to get them to surrender to it. If you don’t know how to honor, on a day-to-day basis, the women in your life, then learn. Make it a priority.

5. Don’t doubt in the dark what you knew in the light. The late Francis Schaeffer taught evangelical Christians to think like Christians as they engaged with unbelief in the public square. But a goodly number of his proteges, disciples, and name-appropriators have begun to “engage with the culture” in a way that looks more like going native than it looks like missionary work. Melancthons fall apart more rapidly than they used to. Get used to it, but don’t you do it.

6. While pro-life work is at the very center of all mercy ministry, it should not be allowed to distract from the broader kind of mercy ministry that offers gospel help to those who have contributed to their own misery — addicts, convicts, the uneducated and the unemployable. Such mercy ministry must be consistently tenderhearted and hardheaded. Sentimentalists are never able to give themselves away in the ongoing way that bleeding (but thinking) Christians must.

7. Learn something about economics. Please.

Continue reading Ten Things to Keep in Mind After the Election


Doug Wilson has finished writing a satire related modern day Church culture and their pastors. I encourage you to visit the book’s web site. All of the material is available by chapter in blog format for free. So you can read the whole thing online if you want. Here is the link to the first chapter of the book. Here is some information about the book:

John Mitchell is the pastor of a small, modestly successful Reformed Baptist church in a city in the Midwest. Chad Lester is one of the most successful pastors in North America, and he is the leading light at Camel Creek Community Church in the same city. He is, speaking in theological terms, a dirt bag. And yet, his quasi-secret sexual misbehavior leads only to church growth success followed by publishing success, followed in turn by ever more church growth. John Mitchell hates everything that Lester stands for and yet, unbeknownst to him, envy of Lester’s success has him secretly by the throat. He thinks of it as indignation, or righteous concern, or something, but the real issue is that he is peeved that Lester appears to be blessed by God for being a creep, and he, Mitchell, struggles in obscurity for being faithful. But of course, Mitchell is faithful, and Lester is a creep, and the reader is not surprised that Mitchell can’t see it. None of us would if we were in his place.

When Lester is falsely accused of the one rotten thing he didn’t do, and his ministry starts to implode, John Mitchell is dragged into it much against his will, All this said, Evangellyfish is not really a dark comedy, but rather a medium brown comedy. In some sense, it is a satire on a world that defies satire.