Barack Obama asked gay bishop Gene
Robinson what it was like to be ‘first’
Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent
Times Online, November 6, 2008
Barack Obama sought out controversial gay bishop Gene Robinson not just once but three times during his campaign to become President of the United States, The Times can reveal.
Bishop Robinson, the 80-million strong Anglican Communion’s only openly gay bishop whose consecration in 2003 has left the Anglican Communion on the brink of schism, was sought out
by Mr Obama to discuss what it feels like to be “firstâ€.
Bishop Robinson, who received death threats after his election as Bishop of New Hampshire and was advised by police to wear a bullet-proof vest at his consecration, also discussed with Mr Obama the risks incumbent upon being a high-profile leader in a country such as the US.
Bishop Robinson said: “At the end of the day you have to decide whether or not you are going to be paralyzed by threats and by violent possibilities or whether you just move on and do what you feel called to do despite the risks. [Continue…]