Matthew 15:10-20: “When He had called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, ‘Hear and understand: Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.’ Then His disciples came and said to Him, ‘Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?’ But He answered and said, ‘Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.’ Then Peter answered and said to Him, ‘Explain this parable to us.’ So Jesus said, ‘Are you also still without understanding? Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.'”
For a more complete context read Matthew 15:1-9 to see what started 10-20.
This passage is one of the many passages containing Biblical Satire. Jesus calls the Pharisees blind men leading the blind and points out their absurdity by saying they will all fall into the ditch. I want to relate this and the rest of the above passage to the following news article from last week: Lesbian cleric’s prayer irks legislators
In the lesbian prayer this statement was made, “Holy One, convict those who are using their power not to lead or to guide but to harm the gay and lesbian citizens, a small minority in this commonwealth.”
We now see the rise of homosexual clergy for homosexual citizens coming to the front of American culture and religious practice. As it was in Christ’s day, and so in every generation that has lived, spiritually blind people continue to confuse their physical sight with their spiritual sight and think that they know where they are going and that what they are accomplishing will be for everyone’s own good. Unfortunately, that is not the case…
Can you see it now? As postmodern thought and anti-supernatural modernism continue to propagate, people will continue to buy the idea that God hasn’t really spoke objective truth, therefore leaving each and every one of us to our own finite realities trying to make sense of this world based on our experiences. Come on everyone! Do you or anyone else care about serving a god who hasn’t spoken to us about how it is we should live in this world or, more importantly, how it is we should worship Him? If this god hasn’t revealed himself/herself (or maybe itself) then why would we pray to it? Why would we ask it to convict our hearts and minds about ‘hurting’ people when we don’t even know how to define the word ‘hurt’ because the ‘truth’ is… reality is pluralistic! Right? =)
It really is quite absurd to think that the God of the Bible would actually hear such gobble-ti-goop. This woman’s god is nothing more than an idol created in her own mind to please her sinful desires. And we all know the end result of such people (especially false teachers) and their idols… their end is to be burned as they are now near to being cursed. (Hebrews 6:8)
When you look at the homosexual movement in this country you should look at it this way… Those who defend it and desire its success are just as the Pharisees. They are the blind leading the blind… and both will fall into the ditch.
Take it or leave it, you have to stand against the homosexual agenda or blindly walk in the darkness towards the pit that consumes, for all eternity, all who fall into it.
Remember this day who you will serve. Will it be God or your own fleeting desires?
In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,
Note: For a brief defense of Biblical Satire and “Trinitarian Skylarking” check out A Serrated Edge by Douglas Wilson. It will challenge your future reading of several Bible passages that are typically read with too much reverence and awe, in relation to the tone of voice we use when reading them or the tone of voice we think the speaker used when they said/wrote it. It will also give you a basic understanding of the Biblical pattern for giving offense when offense is needed. It will be well worth your time to read it and study the numerous passages Wilson points out in the book.
just curious…
why do you have your zodiac sign on your profile?
thanks… in advance for the answer!
and I enjoyed reading your posts.
Thanks for the comments Melodie. =) And that’s a good question. I didn’t choose specifically to put my zodiac sign on there. When I filled my profile out it asked for my birthdate and the profile manager does the signs by default. I haven’t ever checked to see if you could remove it. Hope that answers the question.