Category Archives: Reforming

California and the NEW ‘No Fly Zone’

‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ banished by California
Schwarzenegger signs law outlawing terms perceived as negative to ‘gays’

After reading this article, I must say that I have almost no kind words to say to Governor Schwarzenegger, but I will keep those words to myself and offer him the respect that God demands me to give a person in this type of governmental office. (1 Peter 2:17)

I encourage everyone to read through these issues mentioned in the article above and understand the magnitude of what is happening to various states in our much beloved country. I honestly cannot fathom, anymore, putting my children into public school before they are well established in their faith and able to debate adults on a reasonable intellectual level. Even then I would not expect anyone to put their children into state-run education EVER again.

[Please note that College is a different issue and I would certainly encourage young adults to earn their degrees at which ever college/university that they desire (this would keep the universities on their toes and help our children learn how to be even more salt and light in this dark and rotting world).]

The funniest part about the article above was seeing one school official scold another official in a higher position for promoting a homosexual-pride event which exposed young children to pornographic material. I say ‘funny’ in this way… the scolding official wanted to affirm and promote sexual diversity, yet tell the other higher-ranking official that there were still sexual morals that had to be adhered to regarding young children. This is tantamount to the illogical and irrational thinking that pervades many leaders in every area of our society these days. They want to say (and teach children) that all forms of sexual orientation are okay, but condemn someone for sharing explicit, pornographic material with children. My point is this, upon what moral grounds do these people have any ability to pronounce one form of sexual “promotion” good/decent over and above another form of sexual “promotion”?

In the end, California has established a NEW ‘no fly zone’ that will continue to erode any moral objectivism that their state and our country has left. As more and more of our children are indoctrinated with this CRAP, more and more corruption will fill this country. I can only conclude that Christian families living in California need desperately to pull their children out of all California public schools and place them in private/home school settings until they are old enough and have been thoroughly trained to deal with this ungodly bombardment of irrationality and wickedness.

If you have not been praying, please start praying NOW that God will have mercy on the people of the United States and and that God will change the hearts of those who lead these states and lead this country, in order that God’s Gospel can continue to go forth unhindered and His Kingdom can continue to expand throughout this world.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

What is a Healthy Church?

What is a healthy church

I am glad to say that my church is currently holding a Tuesday morning Bible study by working our way through Mark Dever’s book, “What is a Healthy Church?“, which Crossway has recently transformed, from a lowly booklet, into a beautiful hardback “mini” book for large scale publication. In other words, the old booklet that Dever’s 9 Marks Ministry put out has been formatted and enhanced in order to present to the Christian community at large through a major book distributor.

For those of you interested, here is the table of contents along with the intro and 1st chapter of the book.

Mark Dever is senior pastor of Capital Hills Baptist Church in Washington D.C.

He is also executive director of 9 Marks Ministry (9 Marks of a Healthy Church) which I mentioned and linked to above.

Un-Inventing the Church

No guarantees, but as time permits I hope to read back through Un-Inventing the Church by Andrew P. Sandlin as I go through Mark Dever’s book and finally finish the last few chapter’s in Sandlin’s book that I never got around to the last time.

I highly recommend Andrew Sandlin’s book for anyone who leans toward seeing a more “low church” view taught in Scripture, that focuses on the Church as the people of God gathered together and worshiping Jesus for both their individual and corporate salvation, and not all about buildings, traditions, confessions, and liturgy. The preface to the book is available to read here.

If any of you ever a get chance to read these two books, it won’t take you too long and I promise that it will challenge and edify you as you pursue a more Biblical understanding of what God says about what His Church is and what it should always be.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

The Great September Giveaway!!!

sept Giveaway

Click on the above banner for a chance to win “All six available volumes of the Reformed Expository Commentary series.” There will be three winning prize levels…

First prize: All six available volumes of the Reformed Expository Commentary series.

Second prize: Any three volumes of the Reformed Expository Commentary series (to be selected by the winner).

Third Prize: Any one volume of the Reformed Expository Commentary series (to be selected by the winner).

Hurry and sign up before it is too late!!!

[HT: Kerry Jones]

G. K. Beale on Revelation

Here is a great seminar on the Book of Revelation, given by G. K. Beale. You should definitely give it a listen sometime! It will be well worth your time given the clarity of thought that will come to you as you study the WHOLE Bible over the coming years. Enjoy!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

[HT: James Grant]

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed

EXPELLED the movie is due out in theaters nation wide in February of 2008! This is going to be a very controversial film and I cannot say just how thankful I am that Ben Stein has committed himself to fighting for the academic freedom of our scientists and scientists around the world. This is truly a blessing and an awesome surprise!

I encourage everyone to visit the site and follow the blog on this one. You can even sign up to volunteer to promote the film! It even has a sign up (check box) for youth leaders who want to get their kids involved! 🙂

Well, enough from me. Please check out the trailers on the sight. If the trailers tell us anything, I can almost guarantee that this movie is going to upset a TON of science and academic leaders! And why not since they need to be shaken up anyway. 😉 Here is one of the trailers…

Lastly, I’m re-posting Ben’s first blog entry from yesterday. Hope you enjoy reading it…

Continue reading EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed

Michael Bird on Piper’s “The Future of Justification”

Justin Taylor has posted another blurb on Piper’s book from Michael F. Bird. Here is the blurb:

The Future of Justification

Biblical commentators since Augustine have struggled with how to understand the relationship between justification by faith and judgment by works. The advent of the New Perspective on Paul has further heightened this tension in recent days with several authors such as N. T. Wright placing more stress on the role of a transformed life as the basis of justification at the final judgment. In light of this, John Piper provides a constructive and critical engagement with the work of N. T. Wright, and Piper convincingly shows that justification, in its present and future tense, is anchored exclusively in the work of Christ and not in our obedience nor in works inspired by the Holy Spirit. Piper’s case possesses exegetical rigor, theological acumen, and pastoral sensitivity. Piper invites us all to marvel at the glory, the magnificence, and the grace of the God who justifies the ungodly through faith in his Son. This book is not a rehearsal of old dogmas, nor a polemical rant, but it is a fresh articulation of the gospel that Paul preached and it is written with a conviction and verve that will inspire young and old preachers to faithfully set forth the whole counsel of God to their flock.

Michael F. Bird
New Testament Lecturer, Highland Theological College, Scotland
Author of The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification and the New Perspective

The Saving Righteousness of God

Mark Dever and Al Mohler don’t get it

Today, I received an E-mail from Enjoying God Ministries by Sam Storm. It is entitled “Piper, Grudem, Dever, et al, on Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, and Church Membership (just how “Together for the Gospel” are we?)“. I am reposting the entire E-mail below, but first some comments…

I fully agree with the thoughts of Sam Storm on the situation that he is addressing regarding the “Together for the Gospel” conference. Though I believe that John Piper holds an untenable view regarding his view of baptism and church membership, I at least admire the fact that he desires to be consistently inconsistent through this whole “Together for the Gospel” project by desiring to practice all the conclusions that this meeting would have for his Baptist convictions. Let me clarify…

John Piper wants to work towards a greater unity for the universal Church that supersedes denominational boundaries. In doing this, he has put aside some of his Baptistic convictions (this is how he’s being inconsistent) and begun to work together with other ministers who believe and preach the same Gospel, yet are not rightly baptized (according to Baptist views). Since he has started down this road, he has taken part in the above noted conference that seeks to bring Gospel preaching ministers, both paedobaptist and credobaptist, together under the same banner of ministry and worship. With this background information I would now like to clarify where the title of my post is going…

Mark Dever and Al Mohler just DO NOT get it. If you read the article below by Sam Storms it will deal sufficiently with their position and what is wrong with it. How can Dever and Mohler even start to take part in this kind of conference with such sectarian points of view? I just don’t see how it is possible! If they are not willing to take communion with their paedobaptist brothers, then they are just as Landmarkist as any of the other historic Landmark Baptist that has ever lived. But I thought most Baptists today were past the times of Landmarkism? And if most Baptists are past their Landmark heritage, then all of us who are Baptists must call for a new paradigm when thinking about Church Membership and the Sacraments/Ordinances and the unity of the broader, visible Church of the living God. Please read Sam’s E-mail below to get the full picture of what I’m talking about.

I would love to hear your comments on this, so please leave them!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,


Continue reading Mark Dever and Al Mohler don’t get it

Does God Cause Sin or Just Allow It?

This question was brought up recently over at the Desiring God blog. Here are the resources that Abraham shared in the post

If God is sovereign over evil, can it be said that he causes it? Or does he just allow it? Is there really a difference? These are some of the questions we’ve received in response to John Piper’s article about the bridge collapsing and the post on his upcoming sermon series.

I expect the sermons he’ll preach over the next few weeks on God’s power over sin and his purposes in it may answer some of these questions. Until then, you may find the following resources helpful:

I also want to reference a post I made a while back on the what type of explanation is Biblically and logically acceptable when talking about God’s relationship to sin and His “permissive will”. Here is that post.

Enjoy the reading and please let me know your thoughts below!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Where’d all these Calvinists come from?

Mark Dever

Mark Dever has finally finished his series on answering the question above. It’s very interesting and thought provoking. Below you will find the top 10 reasons that have spurred on the Calvinistic resurgence over the past several years. Read them and let’s discuss!

1 ) Charles Spurgeon

2 ) Lloyd-Jones

3 ) Banner of Truth Trust

4 ) Evangelism Explosion

5) Inerrancy Controversy

6 ) Presbyterian Church in America

7 ) JI Packer

8 ) RC Sproul and John MacArthur

9 ) John Piper

10) The rise of secularism and decline of Christian nominalism

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

[HT: Unashamed Workman]