Category Archives: Books

What is a Healthy Church?

What is a healthy church

I am glad to say that my church is currently holding a Tuesday morning Bible study by working our way through Mark Dever’s book, “What is a Healthy Church?“, which Crossway has recently transformed, from a lowly booklet, into a beautiful hardback “mini” book for large scale publication. In other words, the old booklet that Dever’s 9 Marks Ministry put out has been formatted and enhanced in order to present to the Christian community at large through a major book distributor.

For those of you interested, here is the table of contents along with the intro and 1st chapter of the book.

Mark Dever is senior pastor of Capital Hills Baptist Church in Washington D.C.

He is also executive director of 9 Marks Ministry (9 Marks of a Healthy Church) which I mentioned and linked to above.

Un-Inventing the Church

No guarantees, but as time permits I hope to read back through Un-Inventing the Church by Andrew P. Sandlin as I go through Mark Dever’s book and finally finish the last few chapter’s in Sandlin’s book that I never got around to the last time.

I highly recommend Andrew Sandlin’s book for anyone who leans toward seeing a more “low church” view taught in Scripture, that focuses on the Church as the people of God gathered together and worshiping Jesus for both their individual and corporate salvation, and not all about buildings, traditions, confessions, and liturgy. The preface to the book is available to read here.

If any of you ever a get chance to read these two books, it won’t take you too long and I promise that it will challenge and edify you as you pursue a more Biblical understanding of what God says about what His Church is and what it should always be.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Theology and the Languages

Here are a couple of great sites dealing with the Bible, theology, and languages:

Here is a book that I bought a while back for the future, when I finally get some time to study back up on my German that I learned from high school. This should be especially helpful given the rich history of German theologians and all their writings.

modern theological german

Modern Theological German: A Reader and Dictionary
by Helmut W. Ziefle

Free Audio Book of the Month!

It’s September! You know what a new month means… Christian Audio has made another free audio book available for download. 🙂 Just add the “download” version of the audio book to your shopping cart on their web site and use the following coupon code to get it for free: SEPT2007

Here is this months free offer: Teresa of Avila‘s devotional classic, Interior Castle

Interior Castle

Here some information about the author and book…

WHILE I was beseeching Our Lord to-day that He would speak through me, since I could find nothing to say and had no idea how to begin to carry out the obligation laid upon me by obedience, a thought occurred to me which I will now set down, in order to have some foundation on which to build. I began to think of the soul as if it were a castle made of a single diamond or of very clear crystal, in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions.

Thus begins Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle, one of the most celebrated books ever written by a mystic on abiding in union with Christ. Writing in obedience to the requests of two of her superiors, the humble 16th century Spanish sister protests “…for the love of God, let me get on with my spinning and go to choir…like the other sisters…I am not meant for writing; I have neither the health nor the wits for it.”

However, in her pre-coffee-house conversational style, Teresa of Avila charmingly proves to her readers that she does have the wits for conveying that “the most essential thing is that we should love God…” as she takes us by the hand and lead us on a visually beautiful spiritual journey into the soul, that Interior Castle where Christ abides, and where we may abide with Him in holy, intimate communion.

The Great September Giveaway!!!

sept Giveaway

Click on the above banner for a chance to win “All six available volumes of the Reformed Expository Commentary series.” There will be three winning prize levels…

First prize: All six available volumes of the Reformed Expository Commentary series.

Second prize: Any three volumes of the Reformed Expository Commentary series (to be selected by the winner).

Third Prize: Any one volume of the Reformed Expository Commentary series (to be selected by the winner).

Hurry and sign up before it is too late!!!

[HT: Kerry Jones]

G. K. Beale on Revelation

Here is a great seminar on the Book of Revelation, given by G. K. Beale. You should definitely give it a listen sometime! It will be well worth your time given the clarity of thought that will come to you as you study the WHOLE Bible over the coming years. Enjoy!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

[HT: James Grant]

Best of Westminster Bookstore Sale: COMMENTARIES!

WTS Books is having their next big sale! Up to 55% off list price! 🙂

There are several commentaries available at great prices. I suggest that everyone needs to get Vern Pythress on the book of Revelation and G. K. Beale on the book of Revelation! They are some of the best commentators alive today on this mysterious and awesome book of the Bible.

Here are the commentaries and web links listed below:

Continue reading Best of Westminster Bookstore Sale: COMMENTARIES!

Michael Bird on Piper’s “The Future of Justification”

Justin Taylor has posted another blurb on Piper’s book from Michael F. Bird. Here is the blurb:

The Future of Justification

Biblical commentators since Augustine have struggled with how to understand the relationship between justification by faith and judgment by works. The advent of the New Perspective on Paul has further heightened this tension in recent days with several authors such as N. T. Wright placing more stress on the role of a transformed life as the basis of justification at the final judgment. In light of this, John Piper provides a constructive and critical engagement with the work of N. T. Wright, and Piper convincingly shows that justification, in its present and future tense, is anchored exclusively in the work of Christ and not in our obedience nor in works inspired by the Holy Spirit. Piper’s case possesses exegetical rigor, theological acumen, and pastoral sensitivity. Piper invites us all to marvel at the glory, the magnificence, and the grace of the God who justifies the ungodly through faith in his Son. This book is not a rehearsal of old dogmas, nor a polemical rant, but it is a fresh articulation of the gospel that Paul preached and it is written with a conviction and verve that will inspire young and old preachers to faithfully set forth the whole counsel of God to their flock.

Michael F. Bird
New Testament Lecturer, Highland Theological College, Scotland
Author of The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification and the New Perspective

The Saving Righteousness of God