The Audio for The Total Church North America Conference 2008 is now available. Tim Chester and Steve Timmis recently published a book – “Total Church” – with Re:Lit. This conference is the result of the ideas presented in the book.
Main Sessions
- A Community-centered Gospel – Steve Timmis (Q&A)
- A Gospel-centered Community – Steve Timmis (Q&A)
- Rethinking Attractional Church – Tim Chester (Q&A)
- Remodeling Attractional Church – Steve Timmis (Q&A)
- Making Disciples for Missional Church – Tim Chester (Q&A)
- Making Disciples in Missional Church – Tim Chester
Breakout Sessions
- Being Neighbors: a Gospel Strategy (Steve Timmis)
- Forming a Gospel Community (Jeff Vanderstelt)
- One-Anothering: A Communal Gospel (David Fairchild)
- Story & Rhythm of Soma Community (Caesar Kalinowski)
- Reading Cultural Texts (Mike Gunn)
- Out of the Frying Pan… (David Fairchild & Mark Moore)
- Beyond Total Church – Sowing the Seeds of a Movement (Tim Chester)
- Communication in a Post-Christian World (Goodmanson & Kalinowski)
- The Everyday Rhythms of a Gospel Display People (Jeff Vanderstelt)
- True Gospel Community in a Truly Big Metroplex (Mark Moore)
- Reaching the Domains of Society (Goodmanson & Kalinowski)
- Panel Q/A Session
- Wrapping up Total Church (Tim Chester)
- Developing Missional Leaders (Jeff Vanderstelt)
- Urban Discipleship (Mike Gunn)
[HT: Mike]