Part One
This episode of ID the Future features part one of Casey Luskin’s interview with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton, author of a new book on intelligent design. Prof. Monton has a unique perspective of the debate over intelligent design as an atheist who is trying to elevate the debate.
Professor Monton is debating intelligent design and the existence of God this weekend in Fort Worth, TX.
Part Two
This episode of ID the Future features the second part of Casey Luskin’s interview with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton.
Prof. Monton shares his experience in the debate over intelligent design and discusses the Dover decision, rebutting trial witness philosopher Robert Pennock.
Prof. Monton has a unique perspective of the debate over intelligent design as an atheist who is trying to elevate the debate. In 2006, he authored a paper on Judge Jones’ Kitzmiller ruling, ‘Is Intelligent Design Science? Dissecting the Dover Decision.’
Part Three
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his interview with atheist philosopher of science Bradley Monton. Professor Monton discusses his role in ‘The Great Debate on Intelligent Design’ last weekend. Interestingly, the two presenters on the pro-ID side, including Prof. Monton, were non-theists.
Listen is as Prof. Monton shows that the debate over intelligent design is far more nuanced than most portray it.
Part Four
On this episode of ID the Future, atheist philosopher of science Bradley Monton turns the tables on Casey Luskin, putting the question to him about the Dover trial. What is the story of Discovery Institute’s involvement in that infamous case? Listen in as Professor Monton asks good questions and gets good answers.
Part Five
This episode of ID the Future features the last in a series of interviews with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton. Professor Monton’s perspective enriches and expands the debate over intelligent design, as he discusses whether an ID proponent can be an atheist, the scientific evidence for intelligent design, and the importance of the argument from cosmology.
Professor Monton also shares his experience dealing with Robert Pennock, a Darwinist philosopher of science who had an interesting response when Monton published a paper on the Dover decision, critiquing Pennock. Monton breaks this story for the first time in this interview, but the full tale is told in his forthcoming book, Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design, (Broadview Press, 2009).
[HT: Uncommon Descent]