I always want to have clear and accurate information. Thankfully Matt Payne posted a comment on my previous entry….
He attended the conference that Mark Driscoll’s video was sent to and afterwards was able to get a copy of the video along with many other people who wanted it.
I trust that Mark’s story was sincere, but I’m not quite sure that everything Mark said about the event is accurate.
Thanks Matt!
Also, Matt, could you please further elaborate on the things that Bill Hybels said about the video and why he didn’t like it?
This is what I heard Bill say, “After that video i would like to acknowledge that there are women in this room and they have spiritual gifts.” He didn’t say anything about women church planters as Mark’s blog says.
The conference did not pass them out inside the auditorium but they were available in the lobby on tables. I saw several taking them but they were not being handed out.
Really? And he said nothing more? That’s very interesting considering the nature of what the conference orginizers decided. Or did they? Were they never planning on handing them out? Or did they really react that way because of Bill’s Comments?
I understand if you don’t know, but I would like to get to the bottom of this sense it’s obvidous that something bad happened if Mark responded the way he did.
Thanks again!
Let me set the record straight about this once and for all. I was a volunteer at the conference and worked with Scott from Acts 29 all week on the logistics of handling the video out. We also had 1800 Acts 29 brochures that did not arrive in time to be put in the bags at the beginning of the conference. As the conference was winding down we made a decision to hand the videos and brochures out via tables and volunteers at the 3 main doors and not each door to the sanctuary. We just did not have the people to do this nor was it feasible due to exit strategy. In no way, and I know first hand as I was in on the conversation, was their EVER any discussion by anyone associated with the conference that I know of NOT to hand out the video due to Bill Hybels remarks. What was quoted above IS THE QUOTE he said. You will be able to see for yourself when the main session videos are available on the conference website.
These rumors about the video being pulled from being given out are just NOT true. I know first hand what happened and now the record should be straight.
Thank you, Henry!
I have made a major correction to my previous entry and pointed to this entry’s comments for further clarification in setting the record straight.
I sincerely hope that others in the blog world, including Mark Driscoll, will openly set the record straight so that no more rumors are perpetrated.
Thank you again and may the Lord bring light to this topic throughout the Internet world.