If there’s anything that I come away with tonight regarding the third and final Presidential debate, it is this: The national news media outlets have told, more clearly than ever, that the American people are stupid and scared and that they will end up electing the candidate who can speak with the most eloquence and stay the calmest during a debate.
“As long as you look ‘presidential’ then we think you are going to win!”
That is basically what I heard every single news outlet and media pundit say tonight after the debate. But are they right? Is the fact that so many of us are facing uncertain times and wondering about job security and retirement going to dictate that the majority of States elect a president who presents himself the best and talks a good talk and says he walks a good walk?
Honestly, I don’t know… I’m sitting here writing this and I’m wondering how so many people could be in favor of giving all three sectors of elected government over to the control of the Democratic party this coming November? I’m sitting here wondering if I will actually be able to blog about these things in just a few years time if the Internet becomes regulated and our freedom of speech is taken away from us by an unchecked liberal ideology that “scared” people decided to give control of their lives over to one early November day in 2008?
The liberals in this world are not interested in free speech unless it benefits them. They are not interested in freedom unless it’s the way they say things should be. This is why an Obama Presidency will be one of the most uncertain times that America will have ever had to face. If the Senate and the Congress decide to roll out all the party favors with a Democratic President who will sign things into being… what it there to stop this country from having its foundation of freedom destroyed and the most socialistic laws implemented in its history? Remember, the Constitution is only a force if you have “checks and balances.” But when all the means are controlled by one ideological center that wants to enforce its rule of law on everyone… then no old piece of paper will make a difference anymore than rotting crap will be avoided by people who could care less about cleaning it up.
Well, enough of my lamenting… Because I do have hope… And it’s NOT in this country called America. I have hope that one day, no matter what may come in the near future to American politics, I will inherit a New Heavens and a New Earth where righteousness dwells and suffering and sin are no more! Through the power of God’s Spirit I can accept whatever His sovereign hand will bring me and I can press forward toward the upward goal of knowing Christ Jesus, the true Lord and Ruler of this world! Because of His Kingdom and His Rule at the right hand of the living God, I can rest in His promise that He is making all things new. Even though I may one day lose my freedoms that have been so good to have in this amazing country, I will still bless the name of Yahweh and I will always proclaim… Maranatha, Lord Jesus! Maranatha!
“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:36)
In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,
Glenn Jones