Well, for anyone who might like to know, I’m currently writing this Blog entry from my Tablet PC on a wireless Internet connection at my local church. =) The technology that is available these days is just too cool and I am so glad that my graduation gift for college, combined with my birthday present, was a tablet PC.It is my hope that I can edit my web site and Blog all I want from anyplace that has a wireless Internet connection from here on out. Who knows, maybe I’ll be able to keep my web site updated on a weekly/daily basis. But that might just be a little too much wishful thinking. 😉
Either way, the world is changing and one day soon I’m going to be able to get my wireless connection anywhere I’m driving/riding in a car. Until then, I’ll just have to settle for a local business like Panera Bread or Krystal or some nice coffee shop (or my church) to provide me with a place to sit, a drink to drink, and a web to surf or use to my benefit.
That’s way cool, I’ve always wanted a Tablet PC!