Feeding the Poor or Murdering Babies

So, when you want to choose sides for this election in November, which of these choices above will you favor on your ballot? Will you pick both? Or only one? Here are some comments from an OPC pastor on the logic of some in my generation who are choosing to walk down a certain liberal path…

Jesse Pirschel, pastor of Providence OPC in Temecula, CA, vented some frustration about the “logic” of recent political discourse:

I just wonder if the recent trend in the “young” church going DNC on issues (and I am not a republican, but far from a democrat) is really that well thought out. For instance, are we really saying it’s not the governments job to prevent murder but on the other hand it is their job to protect the environment, give to the poor, supply health care, save for my retirement and educate my kids?

Now help me with the logic. We can’t legislate morality on one issue, but must shove it down the throat on every other issue? Why is it the government’s moral duty to give me insurance and send my kids to school but not protect them if I want to kill them prior to them leaving the womb?

Or how is it we can give up that issue because the church should stop murder, but still expect programs to be extended by the government to feed the poor? Please tell me how things got so backwards in our thinking to come to this?

[HT: James Grant]

2 thoughts on “Feeding the Poor or Murdering Babies”

  1. on the google group, is it only one person speaking, or is it Christian discussion?

    it says announcement, do you allow anyone else to make announcements and learn from each other or is it only you to make them?

  2. Sorry Dawn. The Google Group is only for updates from the ministry web site. It’s a way, one of two (the other being feedburner), to get E-mail updates from the ministry. Discussion should take place on the comments of this blog or in the discussion forum (link above). You can send E-mails to the Google group, but they will only make it to the moderators.

    Thanks for asking! Please let me know if you have trouble unsubscribing if you don’t want to stay with the Google group.

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