The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has now posted online lectures by Simon Gathercole (NT lecturer at the University of Cambridge), delivered there in November 2004:
- The Synoptic “I Have Come” Sayings of Jesus and Pre-Existence, Part 1
- The Synoptic “I Have Come” Sayings of Jesus and Pre-Existence, Part 2
- The Synoptic “I Have Come” Sayings of Jesus and Pre-Existence, Part 3
- Sin in God’s Economy: Agencies in Romans 1 & 7
- The Petrine and Pauline Sola Fide in Galations 2
The first three talks in these Gheens Lectures served as the foundation for Gathercole’s book, The Preexistent Son: Recovering the Christologies of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
[HT: JT]