May the Judgment of God…

This latest news about Germany’s attack on homeschooling families shows just how evil its government is as it continues to echo Hitler’s wishes.

My hope… May the judgment of God fall more severely upon that nation in the coming days for its continued idolatry and worship of the Nazi regime. And may this happen to bring about the countries repentance and reconciliation to God and His Christ.

Pray for these families, especially this family in the link above, that they will have their children returned to them and be united once again.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

3 thoughts on “May the Judgment of God…”

  1. I don’t think it’s fair to say that the Germans worship the Nazi regime. Hitler may have been anti-homeschooling and made it illegal, but it doesn’t mean that modern Germans are worshiping the Nazi regime.

  2. Okay, I can clarify… =)

    Here’s where the rub comes in for me: If the German government is still playing by the ideological dictates of the Nazi regime (i.e. – control the people, especially the children), then my ‘interpretation’ of the current government’s action is as I stated in the post.

    I cannot fathom why a government would outlaw home schooling except for the purpose of indoctrinating children in their own special way.

    Since Hitler established this and the modern German government continues to enforce it, I take that as a direct sign of their continued allegiance (in some degree) to the Nazi regime. Thus, to spin it in a way that makes the German government look bad… I say they are worshipping Hitler.

    Make sense? Even if you disagree? =) Thanks for the post!

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