James 4:15 – The Gospel Solution

15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”


We said last time that James gives the only good alternative to the merchants bad doctrine… The Gospel.

So, what is the Gospel? Well, in one sentence… Jesus is Lord!

That is what Christ’s Church confesses every day His followers gather together… either by song, or sermon, or by prayer or teaching.

So, if Jesus is Lord that means it’s up to Him whether we live or die! If Jesus is Lord, that means it’s up to Him whether or not we move, get a job, go to college, or finish high school. If Jesus is Lord, then that means it’s up to Him whether or not we take our next breath.

What does James say again? “If it is the Lord’s will… we will live and do this or that.” That’s the Gospel! If Jesus is Lord, then that means what He says goes. And that is GOOD NEWS because He is good and righteous and He is King of all the nations!

So, that’s the alternative James gives us, right? But what if we don’t take that alternative? What if we act like the merchants? James clarifies what it means to act like these merchants that plan to succeed in their goals without involving God…

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,