Well, I’ve thought long and hard about this, and after much thought and finally some productive effort… I’m please to present to you my first, official podcast for In Defense of the Faith Apologetic Ministry!
I hope you find it informative, challenging and enjoyable to listen to. May God bless you as you listen and please do send me your feedback.
The second podcast will be completed soon with some new changes and a little clearer structure to the program. The podcast will typically last 15 minutes and will include 2 to 3 sections. I will reveal that in the second podcast. But please don’t hesitate to offer suggestions.
Also, if you would like to hear me discuss a particular issue, please E-mail me (glenn at indefenseofthefaith dot org) or leave a comment below.
Thanks and enjoy the show!
Introduction and Islam
Glenn– I enjoyed the podcast. This could certainly be a good tool for the gospel of Christ! Thanks for all that you do in regards to defending the faith! I have been blessed and challenged by your ministry. I appreciate the way that you deal with topics that we as Christians face in this culture head on. Keep up the good work!