John Hagee’s knew book claims that Jesus is not the Messiah of Isreal and that Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah in word or deed. John Hagee has given himself over to the spirit of Antichrist and will one day be punished for eternity because he did not remain faithful, but instead rejected that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel who came to save Israel from their sins. John Hagee must be called to repentance or else his place will be in the lake of fire that burns with sulfer and brimstone.
Read the reviews at Amazon to get a better picture of what Hagee says. Or, better yet, just look at the video on my previous post and hear John Hagee condemn himself before your very eyes.
If you will read this passage out of 1st John from the New Testament, you will see that John Hagee has forfited the eternal life which he claims to have…
“I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that he made to us —eternal life.” (1 John 2:21-25)
The end of the ages has come upon us. The end of days have begun. These days began when Jesus, the Messiah and representative of ethnic Israel, died for the sins of His people (both Jew and Gentile) and was raised from the dead and exalted on high as the King of kings and the Messiah of Israel. Jesus’ resurrection began the resurrection from the dead as He was the first fruits of that resurrection. This means that Jesus is now reigning over all the earth and that all who believe in Him have been raised with him in the heavenly places to reign over the entire earth with him as co-heirs of the Kingdom of God, the new heavens and the new earth! (Eph. 2)
For John Hagee to reject the Bible’s testimony that Jesus is the Messiah and, instead, embrace the very people who’s own generation of fathers nearly 2000 years ago rejected and crucified Jesus, their Messiah, is tantamount to blasphemy and destructive and damnable heresy. It is with great sorrow in my soul that I write this blog… but John Hagee has put an unfaithful and unbelieving people in the place of God’s own people, who are true Israel (the Christian Church), and he has chosen to twist the Bible into his own religion of neo-dispensationalism, which destroys the souls of all who hear and embrace it.
Pray for Pastor Hagee, that God will change his mind and his heart and bring him to the repentance and faith that he so desperately needs once again!
In Messiah and In Defense of the Jesus, who is true Israel,