The Future of Justification: A Response to N. T. Wright
This is the free PDF of Dr. Piper’s new book that Desiring God Ministries has made available for free online! Wow! I cannot say thank you to John Piper’s ministry enough. I’m just waiting for N.T. Wright to make some of his books available for free in response to Piper’s mass distribution campaign. 😉
BTW, if you missed it or if you cannot read the book right now, here is the interview series where Dr. Piper talks about his critique of N.T. Wright and why he wrote the book:
- Part 1, Who is this book for?
- Part 2, Who is N. T. Wright?
- Part 3, What do you believe about justification?
- Part 4, How is Wright’s view of justification different than yours?
- Part 5, What’s the problem with Wright’s view of imputation?
- Part 6, What damage could Wright’s view cause to the church?
- Part 7, Where are you trying to keep the doctrine of justification from going?