This is a great new fellowship that I hope and pray will do more to unite Christians under one name and banner. I found out about it from P. Andrew Sandlin here. Please visit their site and see what they are up to. Pray for the first meeting in Texas and hope for more things like this to succeed and grow the Church’s important doctrine of catholicity.
Here is their purpose:
Orthodoxy without fundamentalism (historic Christian belief, with charity toward all)
Catholicity without compromise (organic unity with all Christians)
Protestantism without sectarianism (finality of the Bible, salvation by grace through faith in Jesus alone)
Diversity without divisiveness (on comparatively secondary issues as eschatology, sign gifts, sacraments and ordinances, church government, liturgy, and music styles)
Accountability without denominationalism (local church priority yet contact with wider Christendom)
Kingdom message without a social gospel (Lordship of Jesus in all of culture)