Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 5/6/2009 7:40:00 AM
A Christian teacher in England has been suspended after complaining about the use of classroom time to promote homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle.
Kwabena Peat was one of several teachers who walked out of the school’s compulsory indoctrination and training day, and he did so based on his Christian beliefs. reports Peat wrote a letter to three staff members who organized the session at Park View Academy, disagreeing with featured speaker and co-founder of Schools Out pro-homosexual program Sue Sanders, who said in her “aggressive” presentation that people who believe homosexuality is abnormal need to sort out their “issues.”
Following the letter, Peat was suspended with pay until the school decides his fate as an employee.
Matt Barber, director of cultural affairs at Liberty Counsel, says the incident is representative of the homosexual activist movement.
“They are not interested in just being left alone, as one of their most influential leaders in the homosexual community recently said,” he points out. “What they’re really after is silencing any opposition to the homosexual lifestyle — even if it’s rooted in seriously held religious belief — and they are willing to do anything to do that.”