Category Archives: Theology

Does God Cause Sin or Just Allow It?

This question was brought up recently over at the Desiring God blog. Here are the resources that Abraham shared in the post

If God is sovereign over evil, can it be said that he causes it? Or does he just allow it? Is there really a difference? These are some of the questions we’ve received in response to John Piper’s article about the bridge collapsing and the post on his upcoming sermon series.

I expect the sermons he’ll preach over the next few weeks on God’s power over sin and his purposes in it may answer some of these questions. Until then, you may find the following resources helpful:

I also want to reference a post I made a while back on the what type of explanation is Biblically and logically acceptable when talking about God’s relationship to sin and His “permissive will”. Here is that post.

Enjoy the reading and please let me know your thoughts below!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Where’d all these Calvinists come from?

Mark Dever

Mark Dever has finally finished his series on answering the question above. It’s very interesting and thought provoking. Below you will find the top 10 reasons that have spurred on the Calvinistic resurgence over the past several years. Read them and let’s discuss!

1 ) Charles Spurgeon

2 ) Lloyd-Jones

3 ) Banner of Truth Trust

4 ) Evangelism Explosion

5) Inerrancy Controversy

6 ) Presbyterian Church in America

7 ) JI Packer

8 ) RC Sproul and John MacArthur

9 ) John Piper

10) The rise of secularism and decline of Christian nominalism

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

[HT: Unashamed Workman]

Why Did the Bridge Collapse?

Most of you have seen the new reports and seen the raw video footage of the bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapsing into the river and killing many people who were driving across it. Though the details of why the structure collapsed in a material sense are not known, we do know why the structure collapsed and why it is that so many people were killed and injured.

For those of you who do not know what I’m referring to, please listen to John Piper’s message overlaid on the video footage from their video team that went out last night after the bridge collapsed. His ministry and church are within only a couple of minutes of where the bridge collapsed and several of the people who work for Desiring God drove across that bridge ever day.

Pray for their ministry and that they will have great opportunities to share this message and the reality of God’s love for this sinful place in the coming days and months of recovery and reconstruction that will take place right in their home town.

Eugene Peterson on Ritual

Eugene Peterson has an excellent quote from his book, Christ Plays in 10,000 Places:

“A ritual is a way of preserving continuity of action and integrity of language across time and among peoples of various habits and understandings, predispositions and inclinations. We commonly develop rituals to maintain fundamental human transactions. Rituals range from something as simple as shaking hands, to the solemnities of weddings for marriage and funerals at death, to the elaborate rites of royal coronations with their great processions and finery.

The usefulness of a ritual is that it takes a human action that is understood as essential to our ordinary lives and removes it from our immediate “say-so,” protects it from our tinkering and revisions and editing, sets it apart from our moods and dispositions. There is more going on than I am aware of or can be responsible for. Reality is larger than me. A ritual puts me into the larger reality without requiring that I understand it or even “feel” it at the moment. The handshake and “hello,” for instance, put me in a friendly place of encounter without requiring me to invent a greeting or comment each time appropriate to the circumstances. Or even think about it. It saves a lot of time, but it also maintains an appropriate connection to reality. “Rituals are a good signal to your unconscious that it is time to kick in,” says Anne Lamott. But there is another useful dimension to ritual. It keeps us in touch with and preserves mystery. For reality is not only larger than me and my immediate circumstances, it is also beyond my understanding. Rituals preserve the mystery, protect certain essential aspects of reality from being reduced to the dimensions of my interest or intelligence or awareness. So the handshake keeps the mystery of a human man or woman represented in even the most casual human greeting from being reduced to my shifting emotions; marriage protects the mystery of sex and family from exploitation; funeral rites give the mystery of death dignity and witness to something far more than death; the royal coronation sets human rule under the transcendent sovereign mystery of God or gods.”

– Eugene Peterson, Christ Plays in 10,000 Places, page 205

To clarify this for our Theology and Doctrine… God has given His Church two rituals that need to always remain rituals: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

If we ever depart from the idea of ritual when practicing these sacraments, then their God-centered and Christ-exalting elements will be lost. Baptism must always be seen as the act of God to set us apart for His glory and grace, setting Jesus’ name upon us. And the Lord’s Supper must always be seen as Christ body and blood given for our forgiveness and reconciliation, through which Jesus is present and His Spirit is renewing all who partake in faith and love.

In both of these rituals, the Church is united to one another and united to God and Jesus Christ through the mysterious work of the Holy Spirit. Without these rituals the Church is not the Church and God’s people would never be separate from the World and the World would never be able to see God’s glorious salvation through water, bread, and wine.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Historical Renewal

Here is a good web site dealing with history and Christianity. I encourage you all to check it out and see what you can find. If there’s something there that you think would be helpful for us to read about, please come back and post a comment on this blog entry sharing the link and what you thought about it.

historical renewal

A short broadcast for historical renewal is available for download:

Historical Renewal with D.A. LaGue – John Witherspoon [4:37m]
