Category Archives: Evangelism

Free Apologetic MP3 Downloads from Doug Wilson

If you’ve never heard Doug Wilson debate, now is your chance and best of all… it’s FREE! Pastor Wilson is a very important figure in the ongoing debate with the “New Atheism” that has so loudly proclaimed itself as the truth in recent years. Thankfully, Canon Press is now offering several mp3s and a new book where Pastor Wilson has debated these atheists. See the information below for what they are offering. But first, I would like to draw your attention to the free mp3 they are offering on why Doug Wilson would even attempt to debate an atheist. You can download that mp3 from my web site here or listen to it from the player in this post. Enjoy!


Here is the info about the free mp3s:

Apologetics, the Why and the How

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” (1 Peter 3:15, ESV)

For most Christians, Peter’s words present a daunting challenge. Unless you’re a pastor, or an evangelist, or someone else similarly gifted and accustomed to preaching the Gospel, giving a defense of your faith tends to be a messy enterprise. Answers rarely come easy. Objections, on the other hand, come like a mighty river, and they’re often difficult to refute and turn aside. And often, Christian apologetics seems to be a futile exercise—we can’t argue anyone into the truth, and sometimes it looks like our efforts only make unbelievers more stubborn in their resistance to the Gospel.

Over the past year-and-a-half, Pastor Wilson has written several books attacking the “New Atheism” movement, but debating atheists is not a newfound hobby for him. Wilson has debated atheists Eddie Tabash and Dan Barker—each of them twice, no less—in the past fifteen years. And in this CRF Lecture, Why Debate an Atheist, he explains what good can come of such debates and why he has taken the time to participate in them. For those who question debates’ worth, or who would simply like to know what they can learn from them, this lecture provides answers.

To celebrate the release of Is Christianity Good for the World?, we’re offering this talk as a free MP3 download. Please visit the item page to download the talk, and please share it with your friends: it is a wonderful introduction to and defense of Christian apologetics, particularly since we face the ongoing attacks of New Atheism.

And speaking of Is Christianity Good for the World?, we have been very pleased with the reception it has received thus far. Not only has it sold well on Amazon and other online retailers, but it is also being featured on front tables in Barnes & Noble stores across the country. (Please feel free to point your friends or your blog links to not only can they see a good-sized picture of the book, but they can choose where they would like to purchase a copy.)

Was Jesus Resurrected or Rescued?

This was the formal Muslim-Christian Debate held at UC Davis on November 30, 2006. Ali Ataie and Michael Licona debate whether Jesus Christ was resurrected or rescued.

NOTE: This youtube player is setup with a playlist for all 14 parts of the debate. The playlist will pop up whenever a video finishes or whenever you move you mouse across the bottom of the video area. You can select what ever part of the debate you want to watch with this playlist feature. Enjoy!

The Worldview Clash by D.A. Carson

Here is a good article on Acts 17 and how we should understand the issue of worldview and how our worldview needs to be explained in big picture form to give people a proper understanding of the Bible when we evangelize them.

Here is an excerpt:

This is a complaint we often hear and part of me wants to sympathize with it. It is crucial that we learn the gospel and proclaim it. But it is also vitally important to understand that the people to whom we speak bring with them their own particular prejudices, backgrounds and biases. The way we go about communicating the gospel will need to vary depending on the audience.

Of course the gospel is the power of God for salvation, and evangelism is a spiritual activity. People are blinded by sin and it is the Holy Spirit who compels belief. However, if the example of Paul is anything to go by, we must address the cultural presuppositions of our hearers so that we do not unwittingly obscure the gospel.

Paul’s speech to the Athenians in Acts 17:22-31 is the longest sermon recorded in the New Testament where a Christian is evangelizing people who do not have any knowledge of the Bible. (Compare this with Paul’s sermon in Pisidian Antioch in Acts 13 where he is evangelizing people who are familiar with Judaism.) In Athens, he is dealing with people who have never heard of Moses, never read the Old Testament, and are clearly polytheists. They had a different worldview.

Today, in the West, we are in a similar situation. Increasingly, we are dealing with people who are biblically illiterate and hold a modernist or postmodern worldview (or perhaps a combination of both). Up until fairly recently we could presuppose that 80 to 95 per cent of our hearers had a Judeo-Christian worldview, or at least were informed by it. Accordingly, if we were dealing with an atheist we were dealing with a ‘Christian atheist’ in the sense that the type of God this atheist disbelieved in was the Christian God. Accordingly, in evangelism one could explain the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus and the need for repentance and it would be fairly well understood.

But that is not the case today. In addressing a generation significantly informed by postmodern thinking there are two main lessons (clearly illustrated in Acts 17) that we need to keep in mind: (1) We need to confront the postmodern worldview with the big story of the Bible; and (2) We need to know where we are going in our evangelism – that is, to a point where people grasp that we are sinful before a holy God and need to be forgiven. (more…)

Master’s Seminary Faculty: A Biblical Response to Homosexuality

I just found out that the Master’s Seminary Faculty (John MacArthur’s School) just finished given their weekly lecture series on the topic of Homosexuality and the Bible.

Here is the link to the series and a list of the topics in the series. May God bless you through these lectures!

MP3 List:

2/14/2008 – Biblical Response to Homosexuality
Alex Montoya

2/12/2008 – Parenting and Homosexuality
Rick Holland

2/07/2008 – Marriage and Homosexuality
Irv Busenitz

2/05/2008 – Cultural and Medical Myths about Homosexuality
Michael Grisanti

1/29/2008 – The Bible on Sexuality and Homosexuality
John MacArthur

ER: I want someone who can give me answers!

Patient: “Well you tell me… is atonement even possible, what does God want from me?”

Chaplain: “I think it’s up to each one of us to interpret what God wants.”

Patient: “So, people can do anything?! They can rape, they can murder, they can steal… all in the name of God and it’s okay??? ”

“No that’s not what I’m saying…”

“Well what are you saying?!! Because all I’m hearing is some new age, ‘God is love”, one size fits all… CRAP!!”

Doctor: “Hey Doctor Trueman…”

Patient: “No, I don’t have time for this now!”

Chaplain: “Greg, it’s okay… I understand…”

Patient: “No you don’t understand!!!… You don’t understand!… How could you possible say that… now you listen to me… I want a real chaplain who believes in a real God and a real hell!”

Chaplain: “I hear that you’re frustrated, but you need to ask yourself..”

Patient: “No I don’t need to ask myself!… I NEED ANSWERS! And all your questions and your uncertainty are only making things worse. ”

Chaplain: “I.. I know you’re upset…”

Patient: “God… I need someone who will look me in the eye and tell me how I can find forgiveness because I am running out of time!!”

Chaplain: “I’m trying to help…”

Patient: “Well don’t!!!! Just get out!!! Get out!!!!! Get out!!!”

[Chaplain women runs out of the room very upset]

Well, Here is the video:

[HT: Drew White]

The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

Keller’s latest book is due out on Feb. 14th, Valentine’s Day. From what I know about this book and about Keller, it is not a book you will want to miss out on. It would even be a great gift to give your loved one on V-Day! 🙂

The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism
By Tim Keller

The Reason for God

Book Description
The End of Faith. The God Delusion. God Is Not Great. Letter to a Christian Nation. Bestseller lists are filled with doubters. But what happens when you actually doubt your doubts?

Although a vocal minority continues to attack the Christian faith, for most Americans, faith is a large part of their lives: 86 percent of Americans refer to themselves as religious, and 75 percent of all Americans consider themselves Christians. So how should they respond to these passionate, learned, and persuasive books that promote science and secularism over religion and faith? For years, Tim Keller has compiled a list of the most frequently voiced “doubts” skeptics bring to his Manhattan church. And in The Reason for God, he single-handedly dismantles each of them. Written with atheists, agnostics, and skeptics in mind, Keller also provides an intelligent platform on which true believers can stand their ground when bombarded by the backlash. The Reason for God challenges such ideology at its core and points to the true path and purpose of Christianity.

Why is there suffering in the world? How could a loving God send people to Hell? Why isn’t Christianity more inclusive? Shouldn’t the Christian God be a god of love? How can one religion be “right” and the rest “wrong”? Why have so many wars been fought in the name of God? These are just a few of the questions even ardent believers wrestle with today. In this book, Tim Keller uses literature, philosophy, real-life conversations and reasoning, and even pop culture to explain how faith in a Christian God is a soundly rational belief, held by thoughtful people of intellectual integrity with a deep compassion for those who truly want to know the truth.

About the Author
As the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, Tim Keller started his congregation with a few dozen people. It now draws over five thousand weekly attendees who meet in three Manhattan locations. Redeemer has since spawned a movement of churches across America and throughout major world cities. Many pastors model their churches on Redeemer and Tim’s thoughtful style of preaching.

Some Positive Book Reviews:

Publishers Weekly

Justin Taylor’s Interview

Tim Keller’s reason for writing the book

Here is where you can purchase it once it comes out: Continue reading The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

Wade Burleson Censured

Critic Censured

Above you will find the link to the recent post by Christianity Today on this issue. Below you will find Wade’s response last month regarding the censure:

I Support Lottie Moon, the IMB and the SBC

I have followed this whole debacle since the first blogging incedent occured with Wade and the IMB Trustee Board. I cannot say how upset and dis-heartened I am to find out about this most recent attempt to censure Pastor Burleson. As of today, I can tell you that you should continue to support the IMB if you currently do, but that you should seriously consider protesting the action of the trustee board by letter or phone call. If the trustee board continues to affect bad policies on the IMB and it’s missionaries, I’m not sure what should be done except to say that those trustees should be gagged and bagged and tossed out for the sake of God’s Kingdom. Ultimately it is up to the SBC messenger to deal with these problems at the yearly SBC meeting. I just don’t know if that is going to happen any time soon.

Pray for the IMB Board of Trustees and pray that they will stop this non-sense!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Trevin Wax Interview with N.T. Wright

Here is the full transcript of the interview Trevin conducted with N.T. Wright. This is a really great interview and I hope that every one of you will read through it or listen to the mp3 of it. The mp3 is available for direct download here.

I really appreciated Wright’s response and comments regarding his critics, in particular John Piper. Here is what Wright had to say about Piper and his new book:

Piper is in a different category. He graciously sent me an advance manuscript of his book which is critiquing me and invited my comments on it. I sent him a lengthy set of comments. I’ve only just got on email about two days ago the book in the revised form and I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet. So I cannot say whether he’s being fair or not at this stage.

But I do know that he has done his darndest to be fair and I honor that and I respect that. People have asked me if I’m going to write a response, and the answer is that I don’t know. I’m kind of busy right now. But I maybe should, sooner or later.

I would love to see that response! Pray that Wright will find the time to respond and that this Piper/Wright dialogue will continue to bear fruit for God’s Kingdom.

The breakdown of the interview is also available in individual postings. Here is the breakdown:

  1. Introduction
  2. Wright’s conversion, calling, and personal worship
  3. Wright on “the gospel”
  4. Justification by faith
  5. Justification – present and future
  6. Justification and the Roman Catholic Church
  7. Sola Scriptura
  8. Is Wright arrogant to assume he has just now figured out what Paul meant?
  9. Wright on his critics
  10. Justification in practice
  11. Wright on penal substitution
  12. Wright on the resurrection
  13. Wright on Evangelism
  14. Wright on Church and State
  15. Upcoming Writings and Conclusion