Here is a helpful video from Ron Paul’s interview on ABC’s “The View.” It was really good to watch Paul turn these women’s thoughts on their heads. Enjoy and please consider him as a serious option for the Republican primary vote coming up next year.
Category Archives: Politics
Georgia Baptist Convention calls bloggers to repent
Thanks to James Grant for alerting me to this…
James points to an article by Timmy Brister in response to this resolution. I have grown up in the Southern Baptist Convention and it is the only church denomination that I have know and been a member of throughout my life. I thought that the various state conventions condemning alcohol was bad enough, but this generalization about blogging is just too much. The SBC has way too many people in it who are just not getting things right and it may just be a whole generation away before things start to change for the better. Only God knows.
In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,
Ron Paul on Face the Nation
[HT: Barlow Farms]
The YouTube Interview: Ron Paul
Mike Huckabee is “Chuck Norris Approved”
I love Chuck Norris and this ad is too funny! I’m sure some people will mock it, but Mike Huckabee is a funny guy and he certainly seems to know what he’s doing. Enjoy the video…