Category Archives: Mp3s

Free Audio Book of the Month!

It’s September! You know what a new month means… Christian Audio has made another free audio book available for download. 🙂 Just add the “download” version of the audio book to your shopping cart on their web site and use the following coupon code to get it for free: SEPT2007

Here is this months free offer: Teresa of Avila‘s devotional classic, Interior Castle

Interior Castle

Here some information about the author and book…

WHILE I was beseeching Our Lord to-day that He would speak through me, since I could find nothing to say and had no idea how to begin to carry out the obligation laid upon me by obedience, a thought occurred to me which I will now set down, in order to have some foundation on which to build. I began to think of the soul as if it were a castle made of a single diamond or of very clear crystal, in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions.

Thus begins Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle, one of the most celebrated books ever written by a mystic on abiding in union with Christ. Writing in obedience to the requests of two of her superiors, the humble 16th century Spanish sister protests “…for the love of God, let me get on with my spinning and go to choir…like the other sisters…I am not meant for writing; I have neither the health nor the wits for it.”

However, in her pre-coffee-house conversational style, Teresa of Avila charmingly proves to her readers that she does have the wits for conveying that “the most essential thing is that we should love God…” as she takes us by the hand and lead us on a visually beautiful spiritual journey into the soul, that Interior Castle where Christ abides, and where we may abide with Him in holy, intimate communion.

G. K. Beale on Revelation

Here is a great seminar on the Book of Revelation, given by G. K. Beale. You should definitely give it a listen sometime! It will be well worth your time given the clarity of thought that will come to you as you study the WHOLE Bible over the coming years. Enjoy!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

[HT: James Grant]

Historical Renewal

Here is a good web site dealing with history and Christianity. I encourage you all to check it out and see what you can find. If there’s something there that you think would be helpful for us to read about, please come back and post a comment on this blog entry sharing the link and what you thought about it.

historical renewal

A short broadcast for historical renewal is available for download:

Historical Renewal with D.A. LaGue – John Witherspoon [4:37m]
