Category Archives: Misc

Political Saviors Need Political Dragons

If you are like me you are growing very nervous about the current political campaign. You hear Obama and Clinton promising to place windfall profit taxes on “Big Oil”. That sounds really good to everyone who is hurting at the pump, but this is uber dangerous.

Unless Clinton and Obama failed High School economics, they realize that their solutions are totally bogus. At this point you should stop and read the following simple article, which is much better than my own: “Too ‘Complex’?” by Thomas Sowell.

The politicians know that placing penalties on the gas companies can only cause increased prices or decreased supply. They also know that the gas companies will always look like the bad guys. So once things get worse, they will accuse the gas companies of more “price gouging”. As long as there is a serpent to attack, their kingdom is safe.

McCain is no better. He is all for pursuing alternative fuels. That translates into more bogus government solutions like Ethanol.

The best thing the government can do in this situation is to step back. The government can remove the tax on gas (even if Obama, the elitist that he is, thinks that paying 40 cents less on a gallon of gas won’t help the little guy). They can remove requirements for ethanol use (which would also let food prices settle back down and stop the destruction of thousands of acres of rain forest). They can remove restrictions on drilling and refining (who cares if the such and such senator has beach front property and they do not want their view obstructed).

Unfortunately, that would require a President who is willing to admit that he is not the answer. Such a man could never get elected.

I am running on the platform that you people need to budget, stop spending money recklessly, stop complaining, work harder, and trust Jesus Christ to take care of you. Meanwhile, I am going to make sure the government does not put its nose in places where it does not belong.”

American Idol Loves You and Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life

—–Last nights American Idol was almost as surprising as the night before. They started the show by singing “Shout to the Lord”, but this time they did not take Jesus’ name out. All the time I was thinking, “Does this mean I jumped the gun?” (I already had one person tell me I was crazy about my analysis of the previous night.) I do not think I did, but some of my comments deserve some clarification.

—–But first, what is the significance of Jesus making the cut last night. I think it reveals that a whole heap load of Christians watch American Idol. Fox thought, “Christians like God. We can get there money by invoking Him?” Last night was probably a product of the Evangelical Hate Mail and Boycott Ministry. You know, the EHMBM. You gave an offering to them last Groundhogs day. They are the wing of the church that keeps the Teletubbies in jail and the Dixie Chicks off the radio.
—–Depending on when the second show was taped, either everyone started writing emails, a focus group responded negatively, or someone told Fox that the EHMBM would be on their tale. Not wanting to loose all those fat Evangelical bucks, the show complied, in a very surprising way. The encouraging things is that Christians are not so easily duped, although there were certainly a few who thought Wednesday was a sure sign that Ryan Seacrest had asked Jesus to come into his heart.

—–Back to my previous comments. Yesterday I said, “It was super cheesy, super cocky in its American materialism, and, as I commented several times, super messianic.” I also said that “TV is growing in its arrogance to take the place of the church and of Christ.”
—–But someone might say, “Lighten up. What is wrong with American Idol trying to help people.” Nothing at all. In fact, it is really refreshing that a TV show is focusing a lot of its attention on Africa and people who can be helped in practical ways. How often do we see starving African kids on TV. We need to be reminded that there is more to life than our petty concerns. (Just do not send Idol money, because some of their money goes to fund abortion and, as bad as it can be, the church is the entity we should work through.)
—–Let me explain my assertions.

Super Cheesy
—–Hopefully no one needs help with this one. They pulled all the cheap tricks to get you emotionally worked up. There were the slow motion pans of poor Appalachian children’s faces. There were the African children singing in unison a song of hope. And there were the constant reminders that YOU, you amazing people, can come together to fix the world.

Super Cocky in its American Materialism
—–(This one goes along with television’s messiah complex, so I will save some of my explanation for the next section.) During one of the segments, a movie star made the comment, “These people are so amazing. They have such a will to live.” What could that possibly mean? Since when do we admire people for not wanting to die? We admire them for not wanting to die, when we say to ourselves, “If I had to live in this dump I would shoot myself. They are dirty. They have no TV. They have no microwave.” In other words, my comfort and possession are all that matter in life. So what is our answer to the world’s problems? Stuff.
—–One of my friends made the comment, “I bet if all the celebrities on the show gave a 1/10 of their salary, world hunger might end all together. Anyway, I felt like the show was money hungry and could care less about the poor. They used tears of hurting people to get people to call in.” I thought it was telling last night when Ryan Seacrest made the comment along the lines that one of the best ways to donate was to download their songs from itunes. Dig deep, but do not give so much that you cannot afford to download the performances of your favorite idol. This is charity that feels good, but it does not call on anyone to lay down his life for his neighbor. It is all about image. That is what most of those celebrities were doing on there, just being a part of something big.

Super Messianic / Trying to Replace Christ and the Church
—–This is probably where I lost some of you. What do I mean when I say Idol and TV is messianic? Well, Christ is the savior of the world; therefore, anything that claims to be the source for solving the world’s problems is trying to be messianic. Also, Christ is the ONE who is meant to unite ALL things in Himself (Ephesians 1:10). He is the unifier. Anything that attempts to be the one source of common ground for all peoples is also trying to replace the true messiah. Do not take this to mean that I think they are consciously trying to subvert the church. Of course not. They are just trying to push their agenda to be your all in all.
—–First, I think we should all be leery of anyone that makes the claim that all the world’s problems can be solved if you join with him. Here is a Ryan Seacrest quote from last night, “[Idol gives back] is about changing the world and securing a future.” Wow! Beat your swords into pruning hooks and turn your missile silos into ice cream stands! Finally, the golden age is here, no evangelism or martyrdom required, only TV antennas and a credit card.
—–Second, Idol and other shows promise to solve our problems through stuff. For example, I am glad Tye Pennington does what he does. It makes for a cool show about destroying and building things. It also gives people, usually pretty good people, some cool possessions. And it gives some chances for major construction companies to get publicity while making lots of sweet cash for the producers (I am still a capitalist, I just do not think they should claim they are being selfless).
—–Do not be fooled, however, into accepting wealth as a savior. For Extreme Home Makeover, the answer to the blind, crippled, bereaved, or over burdened is not the Resurrection or the help of the church, it is a ridiculously big house and everything you have ever coveted. That show is not about helping people out. If it was, they could help 50 people in one show with all that money, but they wouldn’t be able to keep you captivated. The show is about recompensing a person for the bad hand they have been given by giving them complete opulence. When in truth, the Ressurrection is your vindication, not a 70 inch TV. (Still I am glad that some of these hard-working people get helped out.)
—–Third, Idol and other shows promise to solve our problems through programs. Those dirty-faced, mountain children get an afterschool program. That’s the ticket. Now, through team building games, internet access, and books all their problems will be solved. Which I think that translates into, “They can make much more money when they grow up.” Perhaps, these people have issues going on that programs cannot solve. We see no Father and a house where there is no attempt toward stewardship of what they have been given, and, yet again, money is the answer. Sure.
—–Fourth, there are the mesquito nets, which prevent the spread of malaria during sleep. I actually like this one, but let us not think that we can save the Africans by sending them more stuff. Those who have worked first-hand with them know that this is the common error Americans make. Still, this one has a good chance of going to good use.

—–Everyone who American Idol ministers to, needs the gospel. They need the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to break into their lives and change who they are and to build their lives around Christ. We can do lots of helpful things, but real change never comes through feel-good, profit mongering. It comes through a once dead man who now reigns with the Father, as He puts all his enemies under his feet.

—–So, do not think I am saying not to watch American idol. Just keep the Messiah as your hope and have no idols before Him.

A brief commentary on the New Testament position regarding Christians marrying non-Christians

Three clarifications before the commentary:

  • The New Testament does not, in any way, advocate a Christian leaving their spouse because their spouse is not a Christian. If a husband or a wife is converted to Jesus, but their spouse remains in unbelief, then it is the Christian spouse who is charged with living a life to the glory of Jesus Christ in hopes that God will use them to also save their spouse.

  • The New Testament seeks to show how Jesus is both fully divine and fully human. This means that any religion that affirms the historical existence of Jesus as a man, yet rejects his divine nature, is not a true religion in their view of God.

  • God is a trinity of persons. In other words, the “Godhead” in the Bible is defined as one God, three persons. Any religion that confuses this or rejects this does not believe in the one true God who created the heavens and the earth.


When Paul writes to the Church at Corinth and says, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers… What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?” (2 Cor. 6:14-18) Paul is not defining a ‘believer’ as someone who believes in only one God. Paul is defining a believer as someone who sees Christ as God incarnate, or Christ as the God-man. Paul is talking about someone who believes the Gospel. This means that Paul would not okay a Christian (who believes Jesus is Lord) to marry a non-Christian (who rejects that Jesus is Lord).

If we do not maintain that Jesus reveals to us exactly who God is, then we cannot maintain our identity with Christ. This is the problem that arises when a Christian, who is not married, decides to marry a non-Christian. Their marriage says to the world that Jesus is not the only one who reveals the Triune God to the world. If a Christian marries a Buddhist, that marriage says that Christ and Buddha can equally reveal God to the world. If a Christian marries a Muslim, that marriage says that Christ and Muhammad both equally reveal God to the world.

But Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad do not all reveal God to the world, only Jesus reveals God to the world. Further, according to other religions – Jesus was only a man; Jesus did not die for sins in order to save those who believe in Him; Jesus was not raised from the dead.

If someone does not believe that Jesus died on a cross and was raised from the dead three days later, then the New Testament says that they are an unbeliever and someone who does not love God. The Gospel is what defines Christianity. Anything less cannot teach the truth about who God is and what he has done to save people from every tribe, nation, and tongue for Himself and for His glory.

This is why Paul says that the mystery of marriage, from the beginning, was to reveal Christ and the Church:

Ephesians 5:25-32: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.

A Christian marrying a non-Christian cannot reveal Christ and the Church. The non-Christian does not believe in Christ or the Church and would never consider doing what Paul says. That is why Paul counsels the Corinthians never to marry an “unbeliever.”

Two years go by like “that”!

I am amazed at how fast time goes by. I also know that I don’t post anything much about my personal life… But today marks the day that my wife and I were joined together in a marriage covenant before God and all our family and friends. Two years ago, on October 1, 2005, I married Kerry Lyman… now Kerry Lyman Jones!  🙂

I just wanted to say to everyone that I could not have found a more perfect and godly woman who fits me beautifully! Thank you, Baby, for loving me! I love you more and more as each day goes by! You are my dream come true!!

God is so faithful to us!!!

For anyone interested, here are some photos for everyone to enjoy…

wedding rehersal

glenn and isaac

little people


sharing cake


Paul Potts and Britain’s Got Talent

If you have not seen it or heard about it yet, everyone who reads this post needs to watch all four of these videos, posted below, and be amazed! I have never heard anyone so good yet so unknown for most of there life… This is amazing!!!

I cannot agree more… no one else was more suitable or more honorable to appear before the Queen of England to perform their talent! I cannot imagine how powerful and amazing that moment would be. This is just awesome!