Category Archives: Theology

The Future of Justification

Well folks, it’s almost here! Thankfully JT over at Between Two Worlds is giving us some shadows and types of the book about to be released in the near future by Dr. John Piper. The first blurb is a commendation by the well known Dr. Darrell Bock:

A good biblical dialogue needs two good conversation partners, who work hard to understand each other and make their case biblically. Piper’s look at justification does this with a superb tone and a careful presentation of his case. He and Wright exchanged communication before this book went public. Piper appeals to the wisdom of the ages on justification, a wisdom deeply rooted in Scripture. Wright argues his approach is also deeply rooted in Scripture as seen through a fresh appreciation of the first century context of Paul’s writing, a context we too often underestimate. This dialogue is important for the church; Piper has put us in a position to hear both sides of the debate and understand what is at stake. He has served us all well by enabling the reader to be put in the place of considering what Scripture says as he or she listens to this conversation and to our God. Iron sharpens iron, and Scripture is a sword that cuts between the soul and Spirit. Be prepared to be sharpened by a careful dialogue about what justification is.

–Darrell Bock, Research Professor of NT Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

The Future of Justification

This book is going to be well worth buying as soon as it comes out, whether you are on one side of the New Perspective debate or the other. As Dr. Bock tells us… iron really does sharpen iron!

It is my hope and prayer that any mysteries will be dispelled in regards to the views of N. T. Wright as well as clear concerns stated by John Piper about where the New Perspective, embraced too strongly, can lead people.

I still do not know what the book will ultimately conclude, but I trust that (from past experience) John Piper will have done his best to do justice to the views of N. T. Wright. May God get all the glory and may this book help many, many people to understand the Bible even more than they did before having picked it up!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Is it God’s “permissive” will? I don’t think so…

David Field has provided an excellent post on the issue of God’s “permissive” will. Ever since my views began to change on the issues of God’s sovereignty and how it works out in His creation, I have not been happy with the idea that some Reformed Evangelicals (including plenty of my dearest friends) have put forward as “God’s permissive will.” It just doesn’t sound right or Biblical.

In my continued search for a better way to explain God’s sovereign will to myself and others, David Field has done an amazing job in this post which I re-post here below. Enjoy and let’s discuss!

Continue reading Is it God’s “permissive” will? I don’t think so…

The Bible and the Future

Anthony A. Hoekema has written an excellent book: The Bible and the Future

As I read through this book I hope to write some of my thoughts down for everyone to consider. But for now, you can think about buying the book and reading it for yourself!  🙂

Publisher Review: Writing from the perspective that the coming of God’s kingdom is both present and future, Hoekema covers the full range of eschatological topics in this comprehensive biblical exposition. The two major sections of the book deal with inaugurated eschatology (the “already”) and future eschatology (the “not yet”).

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Southern Baptists debate Calvinism and Tongues

This past week on the Jerry Johnson Live radio program, two debates took place between Southern Baptist ministers. First, a debate over the doctrine of salvation with respect to Calvinism was held between between Dr. Mark Coppenger and Dr. Danny Akin. Second, a debate on the doctrine of Tongues was held between Dr. Russell Moore and Pastor Dwight McKissic.

Here are the audio files from the Jerry Johnson Live radio program:

Continue reading Southern Baptists debate Calvinism and Tongues

N.T. Wright on Faith and Works

Today’s ON FAITH question is an excellent one…

What’s more important from a faith perspective? Being saved? Or doing good works?

I would like to point out Bishop N.T. Wright’s response to the question. It is an excellent answer as well as another verification that he is in fact a very orthodox Theologian. I hope you enjoy the article. I have re-posted it on this blog entry below:

Continue reading N.T. Wright on Faith and Works

Trinity Sunday

Yesterday was Trinity Sunday. I always wish my church would celebrate that day in conjunction with the Church Year, but I do understand it is not set up to follow those things that much. Nevertheless, I would like to pass along a post from John H. Armstrong that he posted yesterday so that everyone who reads my blog can at least think about this portion of the Church Year that has started this week. =)

Here is Dr. Armstrong’s entry: Continue reading Trinity Sunday

MacArthur’s Millennial Manifesto

Sam Waldron has decided to “blog a book” in response to John MacArthur’s introductory sermon at the 2007 Shepherds Conference. The sermon was entitled: Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist is a Pre-Millennialist

Since this was such a touchy topic, and one in which many (if not most) soteriological Calvinists would disagree with MacArthur on, Sam Waldron is in the process of writing a response to the sermon. He is even asking for everyone’s help by you and I submitting comments to each chapter of the book as he writes it.

Here is what he has so far:

Chapter 1: John MacArthur Is My Friend!

Chapter 1 – Supplementary Excursus: Supersessionism and Replacement Theology

Chapter 2: All Calvinists Should Be What?!!!

Chapter 3: MacArthur Versus Church History!

I hope you enjoy reading about it. Feel free to keep up with the chapters over at the Blog of the Midwest Center for Theological Studies. Or just bookmark this entry and come back to it. I will update it as the chapters get published over there at the MCTS Blog.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,