Category Archives: Church Fathers

Historical Renewal

Here is a good web site dealing with history and Christianity. I encourage you all to check it out and see what you can find. If there’s something there that you think would be helpful for us to read about, please come back and post a comment on this blog entry sharing the link and what you thought about it.

historical renewal

A short broadcast for historical renewal is available for download:

Historical Renewal with D.A. LaGue – John Witherspoon [4:37m]


What Church Father Are You?

Well, I just took this quick online test I found out about and it will tell you which one of the Patristics you are closest to in your thoughts and actions. Enjoy the test! I don’t know exactly how accurate this is, but it certainly was fun to think about. =)

They recommended reading this book to learn more about Justin Martyr.

You’re St. Justin Martyr!

You have a positive and hopeful attitude toward the world. You think that nature, history, and even the pagan philosophers were often guided by God in preparation for the Advent of the Christ. You find “seeds of the Word” in unexpected places. You’re patient and willing to explain the faith to unbelievers.

Find out which Church Father you are at The Way of the Fathers!