Category Archives: Misc

Atheist philosopher: Intelligent Design is a reasonable idea

Part One

This episode of ID the Future features part one of Casey Luskin’s interview with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton, author of a new book on intelligent design. Prof. Monton has a unique perspective of the debate over intelligent design as an atheist who is trying to elevate the debate.

Professor Monton is debating intelligent design and the existence of God this weekend in Fort Worth, TX.

Part Two

This episode of ID the Future features the second part of Casey Luskin’s interview with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton.

Prof. Monton shares his experience in the debate over intelligent design and discusses the Dover decision, rebutting trial witness philosopher Robert Pennock.

Prof. Monton has a unique perspective of the debate over intelligent design as an atheist who is trying to elevate the debate. In 2006, he authored a paper on Judge Jones’ Kitzmiller ruling, ‘Is Intelligent Design Science? Dissecting the Dover Decision.’

Part Three

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his interview with atheist philosopher of science Bradley Monton. Professor Monton discusses his role in ‘The Great Debate on Intelligent Design’ last weekend. Interestingly, the two presenters on the pro-ID side, including Prof. Monton, were non-theists.

Listen is as Prof. Monton shows that the debate over intelligent design is far more nuanced than most portray it.

Part Four

On this episode of ID the Future, atheist philosopher of science Bradley Monton turns the tables on Casey Luskin, putting the question to him about the Dover trial. What is the story of Discovery Institute’s involvement in that infamous case? Listen in as Professor Monton asks good questions and gets good answers.

Part Five

This episode of ID the Future features the last in a series of interviews with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton. Professor Monton’s perspective enriches and expands the debate over intelligent design, as he discusses whether an ID proponent can be an atheist, the scientific evidence for intelligent design, and the importance of the argument from cosmology.

Professor Monton also shares his experience dealing with Robert Pennock, a Darwinist philosopher of science who had an interesting response when Monton published a paper on the Dover decision, critiquing Pennock. Monton breaks this story for the first time in this interview, but the full tale is told in his forthcoming book, Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design, (Broadview Press, 2009).

[HT: Uncommon Descent]

Hit Air Motorcycle Jacket Protection

I couldn’t pass up telling everyone about this after I heard about it. This is great progress in the *always needed* motorcycle world of driving and danger. I hope that they continue to work on these types of safety products to offer affordable ways for motorcycle drivers everywhere to protect themselves from serious accidents. Watch the video!

Lacrae – Rebel CD – Free Mp3

This is a great song from a really good rapper who is a Christian! I encourage you to listen to it and read the story behind the song here. You can also download it for free here:

What was your inspiration for your new album—”Rebel”?

The inspiration for the album was largely realizing my own need for a biblical worldview. As I would navigate through arts, economics, politics, media, and culture as a whole I’d wrestle with a dichotomy between sacred and secular all the time. I’d either embrace aspects of secularism or the other extreme be very separatist in my views. I began read and listen to stuff by D.A. Carson, Mark Driscoll, Tim Keller, and Francis Schaeffer, and taking another look at Genesis, Daniel, and Romans and I found a better grid to see the world through.

Over time I’ve worked to see Urban culture through a biblical lens and it’s really helped. So I wanted to share with the listener the need to take a stand for Christ in culture yet still be a blessing and cultivator for the culture.

Booboo Spidey

Well, as my son was getting acquainted with having a band-aid on his finger, he and my wife decided that Spiderman would be able to help him get use to the feeling of the band-aid by having his own arm wrapped in a bandage. 🙂

Here is the photo. Enjoy!

Booboo Spidey

Building Demolition and it’s Theological Imagery

As a full time Structural Engineer, I get to design buildings every day. But given this demolition video of an existing building in Japan, I cannot help but post about this awesome new technique! 🙂

Theological Analysis:

God is de-constructing the old, sinful world through the preaching of the Gospel and the redemption of all the nations, by means of His Church empowered by His Spirit. The only insufficiency of the video is that demolition is not all that is occurring. God is building a new world in Jesus Christ and all who take part in this new world, here and now, will one day inherit a consummated new world where Heaven and Earth are finally one (seen in Revelations 21 when Heaven (the new city Jerusalem) comes down to the Earth causing John to say, in verse 1, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” ESV). So, this type of demolition (in the video above) helps us to see the slow and progressive work of God in de-constructing the old world through the preaching of the Gospel and the work of His Church. The Church, empowered by God’s Spirit, is like the construction company doing the demo work in the video, gradually and surely taking out all the foundations and supports of the old world in anticipation of the new world that Jesus is preparing for all who love Him and trust Him! That is why Paul said, “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” (ESV, 2 Cor. 10:3-5)


June book Giveaway – Jesus Among Other Gods

June Giveaway

This is our first book giveaway, so we are hoping that this month will be the start of a wonderful new feature to our online apologetic ministry.

For more information about how to enter, please go here.

Our plan it to giveaway a new book every few weeks for several weeks to come… maybe till the end of the year! So please come back and keep trying if you don’t win this time.

This giveaway starts today, June 9, 2008, and will end in three weeks time on Tuesday, July 1, 2008. I will contact the winner via E-mail to retrieve mailing information.

Here is the book we are giving away for our first contest:

Here is the information about the book from its back cover:

We are living in a time when you can believe anything, as long as you do not claim it to be true. In the name of “tolerance,” our postmodern culture embraces everything from Eastern mysticism to New Age spirituality. But as Ravi Zacharias points out, such unquestioning acceptance of all things spiritual is absurd. All religions, plainly and simply, cannot be true.

Jesus Among Other Gods provides the answers to the most fundamental claims about Christianity, such as:

Aren’t all religions fundamentally the same?

Was Jesus who He claimed to be?

Can one study the life of Christ and demonstrate conclusively that He was and is the way, the truth, and the life?

In each chapter, Zacharias considers a unique claim that Jesus made and then contrasts the truth of Jesus with the founders of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism with compelling insight and passionate conviction. In addition to an impressive breadth of reading and study, he shares his personal journey from despair and meaninglessness to his discovery that Jesus is who He said He is.

Please visit Ravi’s website for more information about their apologetics ministry.

Lastly, if you don’t win but would still like to buy the book, please purchase it from our ministry book store. This will help support our ministry and it’s the same price as if you were shopping on by yourself.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,