Category Archives: Current Events

Christianity: The official religion of China?


It has been reported that Jiang Zemin, president of China from 1993 to 2003, said that he was tempted to make Christianity the official religion of China (1) — a startling statement from the head of a country committed to atheism. What could have moved President Zemin to make such a declaration?

Read the whole article here. Post your comments back here and let me know what you think.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

The Shooting that Changed the World

Link: 33 Dead at Virginia Tech

May our hearts and prayers go out to these students who survived and the families of all involved in the great evil that has come upon this college community. Don’t take this event as a time to question why the government or schools or communities don’t do something to stop these things. In the end, they can’t stop them. Instead, pray that God will change the world of Virgina Tech with this event and help people to see the truth of Jesus’ words in Luke 13:1-5…

There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

The only reason that any of us can have hope is because Christ has died in our place and taken the punishment and death that we all deserve on account of our wickedness. The reality of these innocent people murdered by a possessed shooter is only in they eyes of humanity. In the eyes of God, there is no one innocent – no, not one. Therefore, we cannot ask, “Why did this happen?,” from the standpoint of innocence.

But the question(s) we should ask is, “What does this mean for me? And how should I respond to the realization that this world is cursed and in need of recreation (i.e. – change)?”

33 people have passed on today into the next state of human existence. Those 33 people’s bodies are going to stay in their graves for the rest of our earthly lives…

Has that hit your mind today? Have you contemplated the reality that you could have been one of those people? How should that change your focus on your work, on your family, on God?

What I know is that one day those 33 people will be resurrected from the dead. But each one will either be resurrected to everlasting life with Jesus in all God’s love or everlasting life in Hell with all God’s hatred.

And like them, all of us will take part in the resurrection of humanity on the Last Day, but on that Day God will separate humanity into two groups – those trusting in Jesus and having repented of their sins and those who disobeyed God and hated Jesus and loved their sins.

Therefore, let all of us who trust in Jesus pray for these students and families affected. Pray that God will bring life to those who continue to live on in the face of this tragedy. Pray that God will strengthen those Christians directly impacted by this evil. And pray that God will continue to teach America that He hates sin and demands the World’s submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Without the realization of sin and death, the love of God in Jesus will never be understood by any of us. The fact that Jesus is the only man to come back from the dead, never to die again, proves that God has appointed him Lord of the world and has subjected all things under His feet - until all His enemies have been destroyed (the last one being Death, itself).

As the world is changed this day by the decrees of God, which have been made known to us, do not lose heart but rejoice in the hope of a new Earth to be inherited by all God’s faithful children… a new Earth where righteousness dwells and their is no more pain or suffering and all tears have been wiped away and all fear has been cast out.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

Global Garbage

I just finished watching the movie, “Children of Men.” It was very spectacular and thought provoking. I recommend it to anyone old enough to overlook a lot of vulgar language.

The movie takes place in 2027 and it has been 18 years since the last child was born. This means that there are no more children and no hope for human beings to survive… But that’s all I will say about the movie. Go rent it and watch it and think about what people would do if there were no hope of future generations… no hope of anymore family once those people older than you died.

The reason for this post is in order for me to rant a moment. I decided to watch some of the extras on the DVD and, after the deleted scenes, I clicked on the portion entitled “The Possibility of Hope.” This is where my title idea came from…

The whole point of that portion of the extras was to promote the idea of global (*cough*crap*cough*) warming – something I like to call global garbage – in the sense that global warming is a bunch of junk science. (Note:

Anyway, this documentary about planet earth had almost every philosophical whack you could think of, telling people that the earth was overpopulated… that the water level was rising… that people were going to start migrating (since we’re all just mammals and products of evilution, I mean, evolution)… all a bunch of junk!!!

So… the most annoying part is the fact that they had these people on a DVD extra for a movie that was made to show what the world might become if no more children were born and the human race only had around 80 years till everyone died.

And since the planet is overpopulated, we don’t need to have anymore babies… right? Wrong! If we don’t have anymore babies, the world will go crazy! But the planet is still overpopulated! Shut up schitzoid! No, you shut up! (picture someone like Smeagol from Lord of the Rings)

Well, I think I’m done with my ranting. These people have to be some of the dumbest and most self-centered people the fallen world will ever produce. They also talked about how our capitalist economy was equivalent to a drug addict who couldn’t quick. Come on now! Who are these people and what drugs have they been using?!?!

Wait! I know!… They are enjoying the luxuries of a free, capitalist society and making fun of it! Just like Al Gore drives to all his global warming parties in his multi-car pack of SUVs. Who are they kidding!

Okay, I’m done. I hope you enjoyed the rant. And may judgment fall on these people and may their hearts be broken by that judgment so that they turn hearts to Jesus for their redemption from the Devil and sin and death.

Just look into the link above if you want to know more about the junk science known as global warming. It’s a good kicker to see just how silly global warming activists can be. They are the pinnacle of what the modern world has become… lacking in any serious knowledge of the past history of the planet – be it political, environmental, sociological, etc.

Go! And while you are going, let the global garbage advocates die off so that you can watch the world become a better place!

Are People Born Gay?

With the many recent developments in science and research, a continued push is being made by many to find a genetic/natural cause for homosexuality. In most cases, this push is being made in order to remove the reality of any moral or subjectively chosen cause for homosexuality in human beings. In other words, the pro-homosexual crowd is eager to find a reason that will prove that their lifestyle should be acceptable to others and that religious dogma should be silenced.

The problems that arise out of this are numerous and the continued results from science are very intriguing and provocative.

So, let us revise the question… Is it possible that people are born homosexual (in terms of a disposition towards practicing the sin of homosexuality)?

First, I would like to point to an article from Albert Mohler that was recently published on his weblog. Click here to view it. This article has received a firestorm of criticism from both sides of the issue. But the people from both sides who have been critical of Dr. Mohler have overwhelmingly misread or not read his article at all. For an example of the responses, please read this news article here. Update: See Time Magazine’s article on Dr. Mohler’s statements.

Lastly, regarding the first article, Dr. Mohler has responded to his critiques here at this link. I encourage you to read through these links and think about what is going on in our current culture and how those of us, who are Christians, should respond.

So, getting back to the revised question… Is it possible that people are born homosexual?

I believe that all Christians should answer this question with a resounding… YES.

Now, don’t jump to any stereotypical and negative conclusions, especially if you have not read the links referenced above. I do not want to repeat all the arguments that Dr. Mohler made, but I would like to comment on this issue and talk to you about how my views have developed over the years.

For some time now I have thought about and struggled with the possibility that some people are born with a disposition toward certain sins and that those dispositions might have a genetic origin. Due to recent scientific developments, it has become very probable that certain people are genetically pre-disposed toward certain sins as they grow up in their communities and cultures and as they develop their ‘mature’ understandings and desires.

Now wait, notice that I have not done what many people have done when accepting the possibility of genetic origins… Those people conclude, “Then it must not be sinful!”

On the other hand, it is my “crystal clear” position… that if in fact researchers do find a genetic link for why some people become homosexuals… then homosexuality will still be sinful!

As I was growing up, I came to know that I had a close relative who was a homosexual and that he was dying of aids. In the end he died from a sickness due to what the AIDS virus did to him. Now, rather than talk about the consequences of homosexual sin, I would like to discuss one way that people respond to family members or close friends who ‘come out of the closet’ as homosexuals…

Many people who are faced with the fact of a brother, sister, parent, or child being a homosexual begin to look for reasons to understand why it is that someone could do something so unnatural in the created order. Many of those people today (unlike the early 1990’s when my relative died of AIDS) have heard about the scientific research that is being done and the connections that are being made regarding why certain people end up doing certain unnatural things to their bodies. And because of this information they end up rejecting the Bible and accepting some other form of final authority for what is good/righteous.

I point to a Disciples of Christ pastor who recently revealed (on his weblog and in his local paper) that his brother was gay and that he had come to accept his brother’s homosexuality as a good thing – given that his brother lives in a responsible lifestyle with the one he loves. In other words, promiscuity is not good, but monogamous and faithful sexual partnerships (regardless of gender) are acceptable in the eyes of God. For more information you can see his initial post here at his web site and also the post in his local town paper: Ponderings on a Faith Journey, Faith in the Public Square article

To quote his position from a portion of the E-mail he sent me in response to a couple of questions I asked him: “The seeds of welcome, as I see it, can be found in the broader theology of God’s redemptive love. If, as I believe is true, this is not a choice but genetic, then I believe that in God’s grace, responsible homosexual relationships are not sinful.”

In a second E-mail, he responded with an article for me to read and consider. Click here for that article: Like the Wideness of the Sea? By Lewis B. Smedes

To resolve some of the questions you might have about my comments above, here are some points of clarity for your consideration…

1) I believe that God’s curse (after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden) on the creation reaches down into the genetic code of every living creatures since all are subject to death and physical diseases.

2) If, and this is a big IF, God chose to curse mankind by creating in them genetic weaknesses toward certain sins, then what better way to curse mankind for their rebellion against Him? (this is a rhetorical question)

3) Since the Bible teaches that everyone inherits a sin nature from their first father, Adam, then why would that nature not infect their whole being? After all, it is the body/flesh that the New Testament speaks of as being the thing that will not be redeemed until the resurrection (Romans 8:23). It is also the teaching of the Bible that there are sins that easily beset people (Heb. 12:1), therefore we must put away those sins by the power of God’s Spirit and continue to run the race set before us. The Bible also says that human beings are “slaves to sin” (Romans 6:15-18; Romans 3:9-20) before any receive salvation/freedom from sin.

4) To be specific, if homosexuality does have some genetic background to its existence, then it will be even more imperative for us to better understand it in order to help homosexuals out of their lifestyle.

5) The previous point (No. 4) is only a possibility and nothing is concrete regarding the genetic origin of homosexuality. But as Dr. Mohler said, we are simply in need of having a conversation about all this, especially since homosexuality is a rising reality in all of our communities and towns.

6) There are always major issues to be dealt with in terms of Scripture: Therefore, please note that it is still my position that homosexuality is primarily a sociological and cultural development originating from the general effects of the sin nature we are all born with. Many people become homosexuals because of certain experiences in their life which cultivated that particular sin issue. Since everyone is born with a sin nature, that nature can feed off of anything in the experience of that person and if God decides to turn them over to a certain sin, then there is nothing within that person that will make them not want to practice that particular sin. (Romans 1:18-32)

7) In the end the Bible points us to God and it also points out the things that keep us from God. Therefore, since homosexuality is a clear and abominable sin – no matter what researchers discover about human genetics, people will still be responsible for that giving in to that sin as much as any other. In fact since Adam and Eve sinned, everyone has been born into sin and death (not having chosen that reality for themselves – this is a main point in the Bible). And the only way that they can overcome sin and death is by God’s Spirit working in them the new birth, in which they are set free from the bondage of sin and death.

In conclusion, it is the Bible’s teaching that people are fully condemned for choosing to do the things that they do – even though they are born with a disposition toward sinning and are already condemned for Adam’s sin in the Garden.

I understand that homosexuals will not like to hear this, but Christians must struggle and deal with these issues as the Bible informs them and directs them to give an answer for the hope that they have.

I would love to hear your thoughts, so please post comments or send E-mails.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

May the Judgment of God…

This latest news about Germany’s attack on homeschooling families shows just how evil its government is as it continues to echo Hitler’s wishes.

My hope… May the judgment of God fall more severely upon that nation in the coming days for its continued idolatry and worship of the Nazi regime. And may this happen to bring about the countries repentance and reconciliation to God and His Christ.

Pray for these families, especially this family in the link above, that they will have their children returned to them and be united once again.

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

20/20 & The Nativity Story

I’m watching 20/20 right now on ABC television. They were interviewing several scholars about the nativity of Jesus in the Gospels. I would first like to mention that Darrell Bock was one of those scholars interviewed. He did a great job, from the short clips they chose to show of him, defending the historical narratives of Matthew and Luke regarding the virgin birth and surrounding events.

But what struck me was one of the last statements made by the scholar ABC chose to end the segment on Jesus with… he basically said that the Gospels are beautiful poetry about the ‘meaning’ of Jesus and followed it by asking the question – isn’t that even better than some historical set of events taking place in the past?

Well? Isn’t it? Come on, Dude!

Okay, none of this surprises me. Especially the fact that 20/20 ended the segments with that scholar and a woman scholar saying that truth to ancient people, back in those days, was much different than our modern, scientific demands for empirically tested data that proves something to be true beyond doubt.

I simply cannot shake my head enough at these scholars who think that the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth are merely beautiful poetry. So here are two things that I noticed…

1) These scholars who took that position, contra Dr. Bock, have assumed that modernity’s demand for empirical evidence proves the Gospel accounts cannot be historically accurate. They have also, even further, assumed that truth has nothing to do with history. Now, I’m not going to try to explain what they believe truth is. For that answer you will have to ask them yourselves. But what I will say is found in observation two…

2) Why would we prefer beautiful, non-historical poetry over and against beautiful, historical poetry and records??? I mean seriously folks! How can any of us, who think about what the New Testament says – with the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus – want it to all be poetry??? Do any of us want this life to be IT? Do you want to die and cease to exist? Do you really not want to live forever? Even further, since the New Testament -especially the Gospels – tell us that Jesus’ death and resurrection are the start of God’s new creation and the beginning of His putting all things to rights, why would any of us want to think that death, war, hunger, poverty, terrorism, etc. are all going to continue to go on for the rest of time with no hope of change??? Do you really want to believe that? Now, I’m sure there are some people out there who believe that man is powerful enough to change all this and that one day we will discover a cure to live for much longer or even live forever and that we don’t need God or any other ‘deity’ to help us… I’m sure some people think like that. But why?

Why does anyone have hope that mankind can change things by themselves? What is HOPE anyway? Do we have some crystal ball that tells us we are going to accomplish these things on our own? Are we really humanistic prophets that can make things happen because we say they will one day happen? Absolutely NOT!

Paul wrote to the Roman Christians and said the following about hope and about what Jesus accomplished for all those who believe in His Gospel and are faithful to His teachings:

Romans 8:18-25: “18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”

This is God’s promise, that He will put the creation back into order. God has promised that He will reverse all the death and destruction and will one day turn the universe over into the hands of His children for their everlasting enjoyment of it!

Where is there hope if we see the Gospels as “beautiful poetry”??? All I hear this man saying is, “There is no God… nanna, nanna, boo boo!” And who wants to hear that? I know I don’t. =)

Well, to end this rant, I would like to say that 20/20 is doing the only thing that it knows. America likes to see things questioned. We like to know that others cannot tell us what to believe or how to live our lives or raise our children or anything that would ‘take away our rights.’ But isn’t that exactly what is happening? Haven’t we all been told to question everything and to believe what we want? Isn’t America simply following what scholars and other people in influential power have told them to believe and accept as ‘the way it should be’ in order to ‘really’ be free and happy?

On the contrary, the God of creation has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus. He has acted IN HISTORY and continues to act in history through His Church. He has been in the process of making all things new and setting the world to rights since the resurrection of His Son from the dead! And God has continued that process by sending His Spirit to live inside the bodies of His people, who are His Church, and has filled the earth with the knowledge of His greatness and love more and more each day!

This is not poetry. This is not wishful thinking. These things are history. They are the things that are happening every day of our lives. We are part of this great STORY, but this story is real – it is REALITY and HISTORY. And if we believe this and believe that Jesus really did rise from the dead, then we can have hope and joy in knowing that God is changing this world and will one day judge the world by the Man, Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul said this about that event that will one day take place:

Romans 2:6-10: “6 He will render to each one according to his works: 7 to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; 8 but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. 9 There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, 10 but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. 11 For God shows no partiality.”

It is only those who have been united to Jesus Christ that will obey the truth and seek for glory, honor, and immortality. And all this is only possible because God has given His Spirit to His Church in order that it will fulfill the righteous requirement of the law through faith in Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection. Everyone would do well to either embrace this Good News, or, according to some scholars, simply believe that the Gospels are beautiful poetry so that we can all ignore God and ‘hope’ that when we die nothing will meet us but non-existence.

Therefore, I urge you to remember the nativity of Jesus Christ this Christmas season. Remember that He came to rescue the world by dying and rising again for the justification of all those who believe in His name and are faithful to His teachings with the help of His Spirit within them.

May God be glorified in all things and in all the nations of the world! To Jesus Christ be honor and praise and fame for ever and ever! Amen!

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,

New Bible publication literally cuts out unused parts


Well, this is truly hillarious! I wonder what people think when they get there hands on it?


The publisher has reported that it has sold hundreds in just the first few weeks of availability.

However, the names listed for the officials of the foundation, “De Rijke” and “Fortuijn” give away the joke, which sometimes has produced more anger than humor among Christians.

“De Rijke” means “rich,” and “Fortuijn” means “fortune,” and the Bible actually is published by Time to Turn, a network of Dutch Christian students “who want to choose a sustainable and just way of life, based on their faith in Jesus Christ.”


Not to say that I know much about this group of students, but how true is this joke to the majority of the western world today, myself included?

In Christ and In Defense of the Faith,